This virus is breaking the body even before playing Holi

Cases of spring flu and seasonal flu are increasing across the country. The center says that the infection is spreading due to several variants of ‘Influenza A virus’, which is H3N2 flu. Influenza A (H3N2) outbreak continues across the country but it is wreaking havoc in Delhi. There has been a 25 per cent increase in purchases of bronchial cough syrups, anti-allergy medicines and paracetamol medicines in the last one month due to the disease.

Sales of anti-allergy drugs increase by nearly 35 percent

According to CT chemists, there has been an increase of about 35 percent in the sale of anti-allergy medicines over the retail counters in the last 45 days. At the same time, there has been an increase of more than 25 percent in the sale of many other types of cough syrup.  This flu is also mimicking the symptoms of coronavirus in people. Delhi, Mumbai, Uttar Pradesh and many parts of India have seen a sudden increase in H3N2 flu cases in the first week of March. The Government of India has issued an important advisory on this to protect yourself from influenza. Some of the most common symptoms of Influenza H3N2 flu are fever, body aches, persistent cough, and respiratory problems, which are very similar to those of COVID.

Retail Distribution Chemist Alliance

<p style="text-align: justify;"Confirming the spurt in the sale of these medicines, Basant Goyal, general secretary of the Retail Distribution Chemists Alliance (RDCA), said that since the outbreak of the disease, cough syrup has been sold the most. Most cough syrups were for allergic bronchitis. One of the major symptoms of flu virus is persistent cough. RDCA district president Dinesh Arya said, 'People are also buying Ayurvedic cough syrup for relief from persistent cough. He said that the sale of cough syrup has increased by 30 percent and the ratio of sale of allopathic and ayurvedic syrup is 70:30. He said that people are demanding different types of cough syrup to deal with dry cough. Sandeep Jain, district president of RDCA's south-east region, said that there has been a huge increase in the sale of medicines for dry cough and allergies. 75 percent of the medicines we are selling are cough syrups. He further adds that among the non-prescription medicines being procured are lozenges, herbal syrups and Ayurvedic medicines for cough. 

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According to ICMR, H3N2 flu can also cause prolonged illness. Also, ICMR has issued an important advisory to protect oneself from  H3N2 influenza flu this year, which states that one should  wash hands at frequent intervals and maintain personal hygiene Needed. They should also stay away from crowded places for a few days.

Yes there are certain groups that should avoid H3N2 seasonal flu like this

Children under 5 years of age

adults over the age of 65

Patients with asthma or respiratory disease

people with neurologic and neurodevelopmental conditions

people with blood disorders such as sickle cell anemia

people suffering from chronic lung diseases

People who are obese have a BMI greater than 40

people with heart, kidney, or liver disorders

ICMR has issued an advisory regarding the spread of influenza virus across the country, asking people to avoid crowded places, wear masks in public, wash hands frequently and follow all hygiene measures during the Holi season. Retention is requested.

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