Three arm workouts to try that’ll build seriously big biceps this summer

Hot girl/boy summer is just around the corner!

Gyms have never been busier now that everyone is training like there’s no tomorrow.

But often training it can get quite repetitive and could mean you stop seeing results for a while.

However, there are plenty of exercises to try that will help you build muscle mass.

So if you’re looking for bigger arms this summer, you’ve come to the right place.

Here are three simple bicep exercises to try that will increase the size of your arms very fast.

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You could be losing profit if you are doing the technique wrong.
(Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Spiderman Curl: 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps

The spiderman curl removes all momentum to seriously target your biceps.

To perfect this technique, start on a bench at a 45-degree angle.

Your body should be strong and sturdy on your stomach, with your chest high on the bench.

Make sure to squeeze your glutes and shoulder blades so you don’t put pressure on your lower back.

Then keep the angle of your upper arm perpendicular to the ground the entire time.

As you curl up, make sure to rotate your little finger up and squeeze your bicep at the top.

woman doing curls
Changing your techniques could promise growth
(Image: Getty Images/Tetra RF Images)

Concentration Curl: 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps

These are a classic bicep builder, but some people may do it the wrong way.

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The most common mistake students make with concentration curls is sitting with poor posture.

With this technique you have to isolate your bicep muscle, which can be difficult at times.

Sit with good posture (core and shoulders engaged), rest the triceps of your working arm against your thigh, and hold the weight.

Then curl up moving only your elbow.

Incline dumbbell curls: 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps

You can add a bench to your curl session to emphasize your biceps.

This incline dumbbell curl allows you to assume a new position that makes you stretch the muscle even more.

Position an incline bench at a 60-degree angle and sit holding a pair of dumbbells.

Then allow your arms to hang down (but be careful not to overstretch your shoulders) with your elbows behind your torso.

Here you can lift the weight by only moving your elbow and squeezing your biceps at the top of the movement.

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