Tired of back and joint pain? Include these vitamins in the diet

Nutrition For Strong Bones: With age, there is a shortage of nutrients in the body. Especially after 40 years of age, the problem of bone pain and joint pain starts bothering women. In the cold, the bones of arthritis patients get stuck. In such a situation, you need to take great care of your health. To make bones strong, include such essential nutrients in the diet, so that the bones remain healthy for a long time. Not only calcium, but many other vitamins and nutrients are also needed to make bones strong. Women must include these vitamins in their diet.

Vitamins needed to get relief from joint pain

1- Calcium- One of the major problems of bone pain is their weakening. To make bones strong, you must eat things rich in calcium. If there is not enough calcium in the body, the bones become weak. This increases the risk of osteoporosis. For calcium, things made from milk like cheese, curd should be included. Include broccoli, salmon fish, green leafy vegetables and legumes in vegetables.

2- Vitamin D- Vitamin D is also very important for making bones strong. The body must have enough vitamin D to absorb calcium. The natural source of vitamin D is the sun but you can also get it from supplements, grilled salmon fish or sourdough.

3- Protein- Protein is also necessary to bring strength to the bones. Protein works to repair your body after a bone fracture. You get protein in dairy products. Milk, cheese, curd are good sources of protein. Apart from this, good amount of protein is also found in pumpkin seeds, peanuts, tofu, guava and shrimp.

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Other vitamins and minerals Magnesium and potassium are also very important for making bones strong. For this, you should include things made from spinach and soybeans in the diet. Apart from this, Vitamin K, Vitamin C and Vitamin A are also very important. You can include things like citrus fruits, tomatoes, carrots, green vegetables, meat, eggs, almonds and cashews in the food.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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