Top tips to stop feeling tired – from ditching toxic people to exercising

Do you feel tired all the time? Here, Michele O’Connor explores the unusual causes that might be behind her daily fatigue, from limiting her caffeine intake to exercising more.

Don’t gobble down a sandwich and a packet of chips for lunch. (

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At any given time, one in five Britons (most often women) feel unusually tired, and one in 10 has prolonged fatigue, according to the Royal College of Psychiatrists. So what is draining your Energy?

eating the wrong lunch

An unsatisfying lunch can affect your concentration and focus, leaving you lethargic for the rest of the day.

“Many people rely on sugar for energy,” explains Dr Jeff Foster, medical director of and author of Man Alive (Little Brown, £14.99).

Most skip breakfast or have a plate of cereal or white toast with jam, followed by a sandwich and chips.

“This causes an initial bounce, but then a big drop,” says Dr. Foster.

“It’s no wonder they feel hungry and catch up on a big meal that is difficult to digest and metabolize.”

  • Increased energy: Redistribute your daily calories, advises Dr. Foster. Eat porridge or eggs for breakfast, then choose a lunch that combines protein, good fats, and fiber, like chicken with brown rice, salmon and avocado salad, or homemade soup.

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Starting the day with a daily walk could cheer you up and improve your mental health


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TV binge

Sedentary lifestyles tend to go hand in hand with lots of screen time.

“TV shows available 24/7 made it possible to sit for hours,” says Dr. Foster.

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“I see a lot of people complaining of fatigue and saying they’re too tired or don’t have time to exercise.”

However, the more physically active you are, the more energized you will feel.

  • Energy boost: Start by taking a daily walk in natural light to help you feel more awake during the day and sleep better at night. “Make an effort to exercise regularly, anything that leaves you breathless and gets your heart rate up,” says Dr. Foster. “It doesn’t have to mean the gym, find something you enjoy and do it regularly.”

too much caffeine

In small doses, caffeine is energizing, but too much of it mimics the stress response and can leave you feeling drained of energy,” says Dr. Sarah Brewer, medical director of Healthspan (

  • Energy boost: Stick to just two or three caffeinated beverages per day, says Dr. Brewer.

“Tea is better than coffee as it contains an amino acid called L-theanine which has a relaxing effect that helps neutralize the effects of caffeine.”

Try to limit your coffee intake


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your work space

“Having too much stuff lying around can drain your energy,” explains Bianca Riemer, women’s leadership coach (

“It’s annoying at best and distracting at worst, preventing you from being able to fully focus.”

  • Energy boost: Schedule time in your journal to have a cleanse. Try to make your desk as clutter-free as possible. Be ruthless. Put things away in drawers and get rid of anything you don’t use.

Scrolling through social networks

The average Briton spends nearly two hours a day on social media, often reaching for their phone as soon as they wake up.

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According to a TED talk by psychologist Adam Alter, our digital use has increased because, unlike books that have chapters and TV episodes, there are no “stop signs.”

Digital devices make us want to continue consuming for hours at a time without respite.

  • Energy Boost: Be proactive in setting limits. Set an alarm or follow a regular break schedule. Be aware if you’re reaching for your phone out of boredom and do something else instead, preferably something active, suggests Dr. Foster.

toxic people

Energy vampires can often be people who drain your positivity, explains Bianca Riemer. They feed on your willingness to listen and care for them, leaving you exhausted and overwhelmed.

  • Energy Boost: Stop Compromising, he suggests. “When they start to complain or gossip, don’t validate their opinion and try to gently change the subject.” He makes up a reasonable excuse for not being around them: “I’m too tired” or “I’m too busy.” When it comes to colleagues, limit interactions by not stopping at your desk to chat.

pandemic fatigue

The pandemic has had a psychological impact on all of us, says Dr. Foster. There is a feeling that our lives are still on hold and that the return to any kind of normalcy is built on sand.

“It takes a tremendous amount of energy to feel worried, angry, or frustrated. It’s no wonder so many people feel burned out,” he explains.

  • Energy boost: See this extraordinary moment as an opportunity to reflect, reexamine your life, and make positive changes, says Dr. Foster. If you’re working from home, take regular breaks outside.
Exercise is great for making you feel less tired

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A blast of cold air should leave you feeling invigorated and ready for the rest of the day. And while it’s tempting to engage in low-effort activities like watching TV, research shows that it’s much better to wind down with activities that make you feel relaxed and produce a sense of accomplishment, like yoga, writing, or running.

Having a sense of progress in learning a skill appears to reverse the impact of stress and anxiety that underpin fatigue.

saying yes

Many people feel tired and drained because they are simply trying to do too much. “You burn out when your plate is already full, but you keep increasing,” says Bio-Kult nutritionist Rosie Millen, who specializes in managing fatigue and energy.

  • Energy boost: “Learn to say no without explanation,” says Rosie. “Consider writing a ‘don’t do’ list where you add all the things that drain your energy or take up too much of your time, then delegate where you can.”

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