Train Your Legs Hard and Heavy with Our 18-Rep Squat Ladder

When it comes to building bigger and stronger legs there is a universal truth: you will have to train them hard and you will probably have to train them a lot.

Our squat ladder allows you to do both, work in and out of the squat rack to engage your quads, hamstrings, and glutes in one long, extended set for a leg day you won’t forget it soon.

Using a ‘mechanical drop‘—a technique that will see you go from the most difficult movement to at least so you can keep working at the same intensity (and weight) without resting—will aim to progressively increase the load on your barbell until you can no longer complete a set of our challenge of triple threat of 18 repetitions without interruptions.

Stand on a squat rack and place a knee-high box or bench at the back of the rack. You should be able to squat comfortably and, with a few steps back, be able to straddle and sit on top of the box.

Start with an empty bar and a ticking clock. Start with three front squats, raise your bar, drop back into a back squat, complete six squats, immediately back up, straddle your box or bench, and finish with nine box squats. Your glutes should lightly touch the top of your box or bench while your torso remains tall and firm. After 18 reps, pick up your barbell, add 5kg to each side and watch the clock – you’ll start your second set at the 2.00 minute mark.

Continue in this manner, adding weight and starting a new set every two minutes until you can no longer complete 18 reps without interruption. Consider this your ‘high score’. Aim to beat him next time.

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1. Front squat x 3

With your feet shoulder-width apart, hold a barbell across your chest. Then, raise your elbows high to secure the bar on your shoulders (A). Keep your torso upright and push your hips back, bending your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground (B.). Return to the starting position, breathe and repeat.

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2. Back squat x 6

After the final front squat, return to the bar and immediately get back under it, this time placing the bar comfortably in your upper back (A). Keep your torso upright and push your hips back, bending your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor (B.). Stand back up to the starting position.

3. Box Squats x 9

Back squats are dialed in, take a few steps back until you’re sitting astride your box or bench, with the barbell still across your back. (A). Push your hips back and bend your knees, slowly squatting until you lightly touch the bench. (B). Keep your torso upright and rise explosively.

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