Trainer Marcus Filly Shared an Introduction to Functional Bodybuilding

Former CrossFit Games athlete marcus filly is a proponent of “functional bodybuilding”, and in a new video about Mark Bell weightlifter YouTube channel, he provides an introduction to what he considers to be the fundamental “pillars” of this school of fitness, including time under tension and mixed modal conditioning.

Filly begins by talking to Bell and bodybuilder Nsima Inyang about her technique for the single arm kettlebell press, which she then overlays with a trap bar deadlift, making sure to keep the movements slow and controlled. “I’d like the set to take 45-55 seconds on just that arm,” he says, “so we’re going to have about 90 seconds of time under tension on the press, then we’re going to deadlift for a minute straight, so keep the pace slow.”

“Tempo resistance training teaches people a little easier motor control, mind-muscle connection,” he continues. “That alone is going to protect people from their own worst mental enemy, which is like, ‘I think I can lift the universe today,’ and they come in with sloppy technique and get hurt.”

Filly then demonstrates some of her “bomb functional conditioning” work. Unlike previous lifts, the goal here is to complete each round as quickly as possible, but without sacrificing technique. “To make sure we don’t go too fast and lose form, we choose exercises that will specifically slow you down, by the nature of how you get in and out of them,” he says.

In this case, Filly chooses the dumbbell floor press, going from 10 reps to one, the kettlebell swing, and the bobsled. “If one of your biggest assets as an athlete is your strength,” he says, “then harness that in these conditioning workouts so you can get good cardio work capacity, but use things you’re really confident with to lift and build intensity. “

Philip Ellis is a UK freelance writer and journalist who covers pop culture, relationships and LGBTQ+.

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