‘Training to failure’: debunking claims this popular weightlifting technique is the most effective for building muscle and strength

Resistance training (such as weight lifting) is an effective way to increase muscle size and strength, which is important for people of all ages. Having more muscle can not only help us lose weight, but it has also been shown to have benefits for reducing risk to develop certain diseases, and it is even important for mental health.

Not only are there many different types of resistance training you can do to build muscle (such as bodyweight exercises or using weight machines), there are also many small adjustments you can make to your training program to build better muscle.

A resistance training technique that has become popular recently is called “training to failure.” Some even claim that this technique can help people build muscle and strength more effectively than other techniques.

The idea of ​​training to failure is that instead of only doing a certain number of repetitions of an exercise, you do as many repetitions of that exercise as you can until your muscles are so fatigued that you can no longer perform the movement. The person then rests to allow their muscles to recover briefly, before repeating the pattern two or three more times.

Proponents of training to failure say there are three factors that explain why it helps people build muscle better:

  1. That recruit more muscle fibers during a movement than you would by doing fewer reps,
  2. It is more stressful on our metabolic system, which releases chemical signals that can promote muscle growth,
  3. Training to failure can stimulate the release of certain hormones in our bloodstream that supposedly optimize muscle growth.
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But when we look at the studies that have investigated training to failure, the benefits are not that clear cut.

For example, researchers recently compared the effects of performing three sets of squats to failure versus doing the same number of squats but divided equally into six sets. They found that the training-to-failure condition produced higher levels of blood lactate (a chemical signal released by working muscles) and growth hormone than the other group, which have been linked to muscle growth.

But the researchers also found that the training-to-failure group had higher blood cortisol levels. This hormone is released in response to stress, and research shows that it can actually hamper muscle growth.

Pain after a workout to failure can make your next workout more difficult.

Another study showed that both muscle strength and power (applying the greatest amount of force as quickly as possible) were significantly less when both squats and bench presses were performed to failure. Muscle damage and pain were also significantly greater in the 24-48 hours after exercise compared to those who only performed a set number of repetitions of squats and bench presses during training. Both factors combined can reduce a person’s ability to build muscle and strength during exercise.

The best method?

To understand whether or not training to failure helps build muscle and strength, two reviews from 2021 combined data from 19 different studies that compared people who exercised to failure or just for a set number of repetitions. General, both reviews found train to failure had no benefit at all to increase muscle size, strength or power compared to the other technique.

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Both reviews also showed that any moderate benefit from training to failure depended on many different factors, such as age, how regularly the person exercised, and what other types of training they did (such as cardiovascular exercises, such as jogging). Some of the studies included in the reviews even showed that training to failure was counterproductive for muscle growth and strength building. This is likely due to the fatigue a person can experience when training to failure, which can affect how much exercise they can actually do in total during a workout.

There are some explanations why training to failure may not be as effective as some claim.

First, research shows that training to failure does not necessarily recruit more muscle fibers – which is often cited as a training-to-failure benefit when it comes to helping build strength and muscle. Research actually shows that other methods, such as lifting heavy weights For a set number of repetitions, they are most effective at recruiting a greater number of muscle fibers during a particular movement.

Second, it is not clear if the stress exerted by training to failure in our metabolic system actually contributes to greater muscle growth.

And third, research shows increased levels of certain hormones in our bloodstream as a result of training to failure. not necessarily improve muscle development.

But if you prefer to train to failure, research shows that getting enough rest between sets is key to building muscle size. In fact, research shows that people who rested five minutes Between sets (compared to those who only rested for one minute) they were able to lift a greater amount of weight and build more muscle. This may be because it allows the muscles to recover between exercises.

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While training to failure may not be any better than traditional strength training, it can still lead to gains in muscle size and strength, and allow people to stay fit and healthy.

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