Tributes paid to ‘funny and cheeky’ fitness coach, 28, who passed away suddenly

Tributes have flown in for a “funny and cheeky” Dublin fitness trainer who passed away suddenly aged just 28.

foxrock man and UCD graduate, Scott Murray, died while preparing dinner at his home in Dublin.

And personal trainer Paddy Cunningham paid tribute to his friend whom he met through nutrition and exercise.

Paddy said: “I first met Scott about eight years ago through Instagram and your fitness-related posts.

“He was absolutely obsessed with all things nutrition and fitness, so much so that he did his Masters in Nutrition and had his own successful training business that he put a lot of effort into.”

Paddy went on to say that he is “totally shocked” by the news and that his “heart is broken for his mum and dad who were featured so regularly in his YouTube videos.”

He continued: “Scott was super smart, dedicated, funny, cheeky and always had time to respond. When he lived in Dublin we were in the same gym and he always had a smile, a hello and time to chat.

“He even helped me pick out my engagement ring for my partner back then, I wanted live minute-by-minute updates on the rings I was looking at so he could give me feedback, and then he cheered me up the day I wanted to propose to him in New York . .

“Scott, thanks for being you, the world was a much brighter place with you in it.

“Be kind to others, but most of all be kind to yourself. Life is Beautiful. Scott, sleep well mate. rice x”.

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And the notice from says that Scott passed away suddenly at home on February 23, 2022,

He is the beloved son of Gail (Armstrong) and Peter, and will be greatly missed by his parents, uncles, aunts, grandmother, cousins, family and friends.

His funeral took place on Tuesday, March 1, at Monkstown Parish Church.

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