Try Chris Hemsworth’s 26-Minute Bodyweight Workout, If You Dare

Look, we’re big fans of Chris Hemsworth Workouts here, but we’ll admit they’re not always accessible to the average fitness aficionado. Maybe you have some dumbbells at your disposal, but things like battle ropes, medicine ballsY sledges (the weighted kind, not the “slide down a snowy hill” kind) are not so easy to find when you’re not a fit famous celebrity with a home gym equipped. That’s why we were excited to see Hemsworth post a bodyweight workout that doesn’t feature any kind of equipment but still looks like a challenge worthy of Thor himself.

The workout is a solid combination of cardio and strength focused movements, structured in a superstring format. In this workout, each superset consists of two moves, performed back-to-back, that target different muscle groups. You’ll do 50 seconds of exercise (30 seconds of the first exercise, 20 seconds of the second), followed by a 20-second rest, and then you’ll move on to the next superset. The interval format allows you to raise your heart rate during work, lower it during rest, and raise it again at the next interval. Translation: you’re going to get very, very sweaty.

Here’s Chris Hemsworth’s Full Bodyweight Workout and His fitness app, Centr:

Since this is a high-intensity workout, it’s a good idea to do a dynamic heating beforehand. When you’re done, don’t forget chill and stretch.

You can repeat the entire circuit in up to four rounds (for a total of 26 minutes), but if you’re a beginner or short on time, you can certainly decrease the number of rounds. (If he’s new to this style of training, he may also want to increase the rest time.) There are a lot of jumps and high-impact moves in this workout, so feel free to modify the exercises when you need to. for; You could do it alternating reverse lunges instead of jumping lunges, for example, or attempting a low impact burpee variation.

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Regardless of how you approach this workout, you can expect to be drenched in sweat by the end. Leave your dumbbells where they are, grab some water, and get ready to work hard with the god of thunder (or should we say love and thunder?).

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