Try these effective remedies if there is burning or pain while urinating, you will get instant relief

Urine Problem: Water is very important for a healthy body. Drinking plenty of water flushes out all the dirt through urine. But many times there is a very strong burning sensation while urinating. This problem is called dysuria. People suffering from dysuria feel very strong burning and pain while urinating. To overcome this problem, you can adopt many types of Ayurvedic remedies. Let us know about these home remedies-


Consume lemon water in case of burning sensation in urine. Take a glass of warm water and lemon regularly in the morning on an empty stomach. Make sure the water is lukewarm. Squeeze a lemon in lukewarm water and drink it by adding a little honey to it. This will give you a lot of relief.

drink water

If you feel like burning or pain in urination, drink more and more water. Actually, due to lack of water in the body, there can be a burning sensation and pain in urination. In this situation, drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water throughout the day.

cucumber juice

The taste of cucumber is cold. It helps in keeping your body cool. Consume cucumber juice to reduce the burning sensation in urine. For this, you can also mix 1 teaspoon honey and lemon in cucumber juice. With this, the lack of water in the body can be removed.

coconut water

Coconut water can be very beneficial if you feel pain and burning in urination. The lack of water in the body can be overcome by drinking coconut water. Also, it is effective in reducing burning sensation in urination.

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