Try these nutritious carrot recipes

Although the carrot is a tuber, it has fewer calories and more nutritional values, which makes it one of the favorite vegetables. Carrots are a storehouse of beta-carotene that turns into vitamin A when it reaches the body. It is vital to include carrots in the diet for healthy eyes and strong bones. Here are some carrot recipes that are also delicious and nutritious.

Carrot and wheat puttu
Wheat flour
Grated carrot

Mix the wheat flour and salt with hot water until you get the desired consistency.
Fill the cylindrical puttu kutti with some wheat puttu powder
Add a layer of grated coconut
repeat layers
steam the puttu
Enjoy the curried carrot and wheat puttu.

carrot halwa
6 large carrots
4 cups of whole milk
4 tablespoons of butter
½ cup condensed milk
4 tablespoons of sugar
3-4 cardamom (powdered)
20-25 cashews
palm full of raisins
5-6 almonds (peeled and chopped)

Wash and peel the carrots.
grate them
Take the grated carrot and milk in a bowl
Cook over medium to low heat
Stir at intervals until the milk is reduced and the carrot is cooked.
Mix the ghee, condensed milk, sugar and cardamom powder in a bowl
Add this to the cooked carrot when the milk starts to reduce.
Stir continuously over low heat
When the halwa is the right consistency, add cashews and raisins.
Stir well until all the liquid is reduced.
The halwa must be dry.
Scrape the carrot mixture down the sides of the pan and mix everything together well.
Remove the halwa from the flame
Decorate with chopped almonds.

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