The NHS has identified two types of food that people can eliminate from their diet to lead a healthier lifestyle.
the countdown to summer is on and people will be thinking of ways to help lose weight as we head into warmer weather, like Wales Online Reporting.
Different types of food can have a particular effect on weight, as healthy fats and fruits and vegetables can help you lose weight, while processed and refined products can cause you to gain weight.
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One type of food that people could reduce from their diet is sugar, since National Health Service website claims the nation consumes “too much”, with Britons eating 700g per week, which works out to an average of 140 teaspoons per person.
The NHS encourages people to watch the nutritional labels to tell you how much sugar is in what you’re eating, and advises us to buy more greens and ambers and fewer reds at our weekly store.
A sure way to cut back on sugar is to cut out sodas. Almost a quarter of the added sugar in our diet comes from sugary drinks, according to the NHS.
Another way to reduce your sugar intake is to eliminate the sugar in your tea and coffee and gradually reduce it or eliminate it altogether and switch to a sweetener.
Many foods that are part of our diet we do not consider sweet, but actually contain a large amount of sugar, such as shop purchased jarred soup, condiments, and pasta sauces that contain more than 13 g of sugar, including added sugar, equal to three teaspoons of sugar.
The second food you should consider to reduce your consumption are starchy carbohydrates such as potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and cereals.
While starchy foods are a good source of energy and add a variety of other nutrients to our diet, where can NHS advises Choose whole grain varieties.
This makes whole-grain starchy foods a good choice if you’re trying to lose weight.
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