Understanding the Significance of Eating Healthy During a High-Risk Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a nine-month long roller coaster ride full of physical and emotional changes; Expectation and excitement. However, for some women, it may not be as enjoyable due to unfamiliar fears and doubts. Due to a number of factors and underlying conditions, doctors label certain pregnancies as high-risk pregnancies. Factors such as very young age or old age pregnancy; Medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes; Obesity and poor lifestyle choices can put pregnancy at high risk. This means that the mother and her baby are more likely to have complications during pregnancy or childbirth than a low-risk woman.Also read – An armed tractor driver helps pregnant women reach the UP hospital amid flood waters

About 20-30% of pregnancies are in high risk category in India. Early screening, precaution, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet; And regular prenatal care can help reduce maternal and fetal adverse effects. Nutrition plays a key role in preventing high-risk pregnancy complications in mothers and their babies. Soon mothers may include the following nutrients in their diet as they navigate high-risk pregnancies. Also read – Pregnancy Diet Tips: 5 Most Important Nutrients To Take If You Are Expecting, The Doctor Speaks | Exclusive

Whole grains

Whole grains are a rich source of minerals, fiber and B vitamins, which are essential for fetal development. Women should avoid pure cereals like white bread, junk food and processed desserts found during pregnancy. Instead, they can eat wheat flour, barley, oats, sorghum, and brown rice, which are rich in minerals and fiber. These whole grains are also extremely beneficial in reducing the risk of constipation and hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Also read – Sleep Induced Foods: 7 Best Foods To Eat Before Bedtime

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Protein rich foods

Protein is essential for the growth and development of the baby. Low protein intake during pregnancy can lead to protein deficiency and impede fetal development. During their regular diet it is important to consume adequate amounts of protein from natural and healthy sources of protein such as eggs, soybeans, lentils, lean meats, chickpeas, unsalted nuts and seeds.

Dairy products

Dairy foods like milk, yogurt and cottage cheese are rich in calcium which helps in building baby’s bones and teeth. Calcium intake can also reduce the risk of preeclampsia, a condition that causes a sudden rise in blood pressure. Pregnant women should choose low fat and low sugar dairy products. People with milk or dairy allergies may choose dairy options such as soy milk and yogurt that are unsalted and calcium-fortified.

Carbohydrates (starchy foods)

Carbohydrates or starchy foods are a rich source of energy, vitamins and fiber. Eating starchy foods also helps pregnant women to feel full without excess calories. Potatoes, breakfast cereals, bread, rice, corn, millet, yam and corn flour are great sources of carbohydrates. During high-risk pregnancies, women should consider choosing high-fiber, low-fat, low-sugar and low-salt starchy foods such as whole wheat bread, brown rice and potatoes with skin.

Fresh fruits and vegetables

Pregnant women should eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily for the entire period of their pregnancy. Rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, it is excellent for digestion, hydration and prevention of constipation. Fresh vegetables are rich in vitamins A, B complex, C, D and E, which are essential for baby’s development. Fruits like oranges, gooseberries etc. help in maintaining the immune system and absorbing iron in the body. Dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli and turnip greens are high in folic acid, which helps prevent certain congenital malformations. Pregnant women should make sure to include a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables in their plate.

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The term ‘high-risk pregnancy’ can cause great discomfort and discomfort to pregnant women, but there are plenty of ways to reduce the risk and get a happy and healthy baby. The importance of a healthy diet cannot be overemphasized during a high-risk pregnancy. By taking care of their daily diet, women can reduce and manage their pregnancy risks and complications. To ensure a smooth pregnancy, expectant mothers should pay close attention to what is at the end of their life. Whole grain foods, proteins, dairy products and fresh fruits and vegetables should be an essential part of their daily diet. In addition to a healthy diet, they should take prenatal vitamins, exercise regularly, abstain from alcohol, tobacco and nicotine, and go for regular checkups.

(Dr. Ranjana Sharma, MBBS, MS – Obstetrics and Gynecology, MRCOG (UK), Indian College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (FICOG), Infertility Specialist, Reproductive Endocrinologist (by Infertility)


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