US scientists created hybrid corona virus, five times more dangerous than Omicron

Hybrid Corona Virus Made By American Scientist: Ever since Corona has knocked, it has done nothing but devastation. One wave after another kept on coming and increasing the problems of the people. Every time a new variant of Corona comes out which is more dangerous than the previous one. In this sequence, American scientists have done a research which is going to increase the concern of the country and the world. These scientists have created a dangerous variant of the Kovid-19 virus in the lab. The death rate of the infected is 80 percent.

What is America’s use
In this US experiment, a variant of Kovid 19 has been made inside the research lab, which was found to be five times more dangerous than the previous variant i.e. Omicron. The mortality rate of those infected with this hybrid corona virus is 80 percent. At present, this experiment was done on rats. The lot on which this experiment was done, that is, 80 percent of the mice that were infected with this variant died.

what is this variant
This mutant variant created by American scientists is a hybrid of Omicron and Kovid-19 virus, that is, it is made from the combination of both. This experiment was done at Boston University. The mice that were infected with this variant did not survive. Whereas when some of these were infected with Omicron, only mild symptoms appeared in them.

This man-made virus is dangerous
It is believed that this man-made virus can be the most dangerous variant yet because it has a very low survival rate. After this research, the concern of the people has increased.

  कोरोना से घबराएं नहीं, बरतें सावधानी, बुखार थकान और सीने में जकड़न के साथ कराएं टेस्ट अगर महसूस

Let us tell you that this virus was first spread from a meat market in Wuhan city of China. One of his virology labs was only 12 kilometers away from this market. Many theories believe that this dangerous virus leaked from this lab but it has not been tested yet.

test done on rats
Researchers tested the new virus variant on mice. They infected rats with this strain and saw how they performed after that. He shared the results of this experiment in such a way that mice with Omicron showed mild symptoms, but the hybrid virus caused 80 percent mortality in mice and it causes severe disease.

In this research, a team of researchers from Boston and Florida extracted the spike protein of Omicron and combined it with the spike protein of Kovid 19.

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