Use This Small Curl Adjustment to Turn Your Biceps Peaks Into Mountains

You might think you’ve done every conceivable bicep curl variation at this point in your coaching career. Trainers in search of bulging arms have conceived of so many different iterations, from standard repetitions with dumbbells to Arachnid-themed bench versions to deliberately falsifying the form to gain more profit. But if you haven’t tried this nifty bicep building method from Athlean-X trainer Jeff Cavaliere, CSCSYou haven’t tried all the curls in the book yet.

The bartender’s curl is a coach favorite, as the exercise allows you to really focus on hammering the long head of the biceps, which in turn develops the “peak” of the muscle (i.e., the high point of the muscle that pushes the limits of your T-shirt sleeves). To perform the move, hold a dumbbell in both hands at one end (unlike standard curl variations that often use a pair of dumbbells) in a pose reminiscent of a waiter carrying a plate, weight up throughout the movement. The key is to keep your wrists bent and your palms flat, which takes your forearm flexors out of the equation and puts all the responsibility on your biceps.

But there’s one more tweak you can make to the waiter’s curl that will make it a little… friendlier for guys who include the movement in their workouts from the standard standing position. In a recent Instagram post, Cavaliere suggests performing the exercise from a low knee position. “It gets a little tricky when you drag that dumbbell up and down against your…well, you know what I mean?” wrote in the title of the post.

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In case you haven’t tried the waiter’s curl and/or aren’t sure what Cavaliere is referring to, we’ll make it very clear: You might hit your groin with the weight while trying to do the full rep. range of motion By taking the position on the ground, you can avoid an awkward collision.

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“Lining back on your heels leaves just enough room for the dumbbell to follow its path without punishing anything but your biceps along the way!” coach advises.

Want to make the kneeling waiter curl even more vicious? try it from a high knee position while squeezing your glutes and core to create even more tension throughout your entire body. Start with 3 sets of 8-12 reps to finish off the next day of arm training.

Brett Williams, fitness editor at Men’s Health, is a NASM-CPT certified trainer and former professional football player and technical reporter who divides his training time between strength and conditioning training, martial arts and running.

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