New Delhi: wadhwani institute for Artificial intelligence has announced the deployment of a AI solution titled Comprehensive Loss to Follow-up and Mortality Prediction (CLAMP-TB), developed under the support of USAID TRACE-TB project. He AI solution will help predict the risk of ‘lost to follow up’ (LFU) and mortality among TB patients when they start tuberculosis treatment of government-run health centers in Haryana.
The staff of the National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP) will provide intensive care to AI-predicted high-risk patients for six to twelve months of treatment, using the AI solution in Haryana.
Prior to the launch of the study, Wadhwani AI conducted training sessions for NTEP staff in Gurugram, Bhiwani, Ambala and Rohtak districts to facilitate the use of CLAMP-TB in approximately 157 government health centers across the state of Haryana. Wadhwani AI predicts that district TB officers, data entry operators, senior treatment supervisors, and TB health visitors will use this AI solution to predict and initiate targeted TB treatments for nearly 12,000 high-risk patients. in the next 15 to 18 months.
Dr Rajesh Raju, State TB Officer, NTEP, Haryana says: “I am excited about the AI-based LFU/death prediction study as it has the potential to transform the way we approach TB management. By using predictive analytics, we are able to identify patient-at-risk and intervene early to prevent LFU and mortality among TB patients receiving care at our government-run health facilities.”
On the occasion of the launch, Dr. Sandeep Mishra, Program Manager, Wadhwani AI, said: “I believe that the timely identification of TB cases at an early stage, which are at high risk of possible adverse outcomes, is crucial so that TB programs provide targeted and intensive interventions, reducing LFU/death rate Throughout implementation, we will continue our regular review of data uploaded to the CLAMP portal and provide feedback to NTEP staff.”