Walk and talk for mental health : My Lloydminster Now

An old friend from the Lloydminster Native Friendship Center is walking across the country in support of mental health.

Stan Fraser, who was a board member when moving the center to its current location was considered, is walking from BC to Winnipeg to raise $50,000 for mental health programs.

Fraser now lives in Chetwynd. He started his trek on May 30 from Bella Coola and aims to reach Winnipeg in mid-August, despite hip pain.

Fraser says he was bullied at school and faced abuse and teasing from his teacher because

Stan Fraser standing with a piece of art he made that decorates the Lloydminster Center for Native Friendship. [Photo: Gerry Lampow 106.1 The Goat/Vista Radio]

of his race. She battled alcohol abuse and now has 42 years of sobriety. He says that as he walks he tries to think positive even as he faces his own struggles and challenges.

“How can I try to change? What can I do with the next town? What can I do with the next step? How can I get over this pain in my hip?

Think about world politics and the war in Ukraine. She reflects on the peace and beauty of Canada despite its many challenges.

Think of the Pope’s stay in Canada and the apology for the church’s involvement in Residential Schools.

“I think your apology will help a lot of people move on in their lives. I think more could be done. What will be the result if other members of the Catholic Church are abusive? What are you going to do about it?”

He adds that his concern is that around the world, “no child, no parent should have to put up with” what happened at Canada Residential Schools as people try to recover from what he called the “horrible process” of assimilation.

  साइंटिस्ट ने कैंसर का पता लगाने के लिए बनाया एक नया बैक्टीरिया, इसे मरीज के आंत के अंदर डाला जा

Among the people he finds inspiring is boxer Muhammed Ali, who refused to fight for the US Army, forgives and moves on.

“That’s why I’m trying to help people today. Let go of my past and the people who have tortured me. I’ve forgiven doesn’t mean the scars aren’t there, but it’s okay. I am where I am today. I am somebody, even though people told me I was nobody. I am someone.”

As Fraser continues on his way to Winnipeg, fans can see his website and follow social networks.

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