Want a steely body? Consume Rajat Bhasma, many diseases will go away

Rajat Bhasma Benefits: You must have often heard that eating silver is very beneficial for health. Actually, eating silver not only strengthens the body, but also removes many health related problems. Well, now you must be thinking that how can you eat silver well. Actually, we are talking about Rajat Bhasma, by consuming which many diseases can be cured. According to Ayurveda, Rajat Bhasma is a natural health supplement, it provides many benefits. So today we are going to tell you about the amazing benefits of consuming Rajat Bhasma.

It is important for you to know first that you cannot consume silver etc. in general. Its ashes are consumed to consume silver and silver has to go through a long process to make ashes, after which the natural silver is brought in the form of ashes to eat.

Benefits of silver ash

Provide relief from physical pain and swelling

Consumption of silver bhasma provides great relief from pain and swelling in the body. It is like a natural pain reliever. For this, you can consume silver ash with milk every morning and evening.

remove mental weakness

According to Ayurveda, consuming silver ash is also very beneficial for people who are mentally weak.

Anemia – Get relief from dry cough

Consumption of Rajat Bhasma also provides relief in dry cough, anemia and fever. Actually, there are some such minerals in Rajat Bhasma, which are effective in removing all these problems.

When and how to consume Chandi Bhasma?

Rajat Bhasma can be consumed in the morning and evening after having food with milk. Apart from this, you can also take it with honey or Brahmi juice. For this, 100-125 grams (in whole day) of Rajat Bhasma can be consumed. However, once before consuming it, one must consult the doctors once.

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