Want to Age Well? Add a Spoon of This to Your Daily Diet | Livestrong.com

Flax seeds are rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fats, and protein, all of which have benefits for older adults.

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Getting older is a privilege, but how you treat your body throughout your life can influence how you feel in your golden years. Leading a healthy lifestyle plays an important role in aging gracefully, and that includes supplementing your diet with nutrient-dense foods.

Some factors are out of our control, like genetics, but we do have control over what we eat, and a nutritious diet can support healthy aging in more ways than one, according to the National Institute on Aging.

“While we have yet to find the fountain of youth, there is research to suggest that the foods we put into our bodies can affect how quickly our organs and bodies age,” he says. Dana Ellis Hunnes, PhD, RDSenior Clinical Dietitian at UCLA Medical Center.

eating more nutrients for longevity it can be as simple as adding a single tablespoon of flaxseed to your daily diet, for example.

Flax seeds are rich source of healthy fats and other beneficial nutrients, and it is recommended that older adults eat four to five servings of nuts and seeds per week, according to the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025.

Here’s how adding flax seeds to your smoothies or sprinkling them on salads can support healthy aging.

Flax Seed Serving Size

the typical flaxseed serving size it’s 1 to 2 tablespoons, says Hunnes, noting that they should be eaten ground rather than whole.

Ground flaxseeds are easier on the digestive system and may provide more nutrients than whole flaxseeds, which can pass through your system undigested, according to the National Library of Medicine (NLM).

You can either grind your flaxseeds at home or purchase pre-ground flaxseeds which are typically sold as “flax meal”.

3 benefits of flax seeds for healthy aging

1. They contain nutrients related to disease prevention

The typical Western diet is high in fat, sodium, sugar, and calories, and increases the risk of obesity and chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetesaccording to November 2020 research in Missouri Medicine. This type of diet is associated with fast and highly processed foods that can cause inflammation and leave plenty of room for nutritional deficiencies.

“Highly processed, non-nutritious foods cause inflammation in our bodies, causing us to age much faster,” says Hunnes. These foods cause oxidative stress in the body, which occurs when there are an excess of free radicals that damage cells. T

There is a strong association between poor nutrition, oxidative stress, and conditions such as cancer, according to a July 2017 review in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

On the other hand, eating a diet rich in antioxidants has the opposite effect. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and prevent them from damaging cells and increasing the risk of adverse health conditions, according to the National Cancer Institute.

Flax seeds are especially rich in phytonutrients, lignans, tocopherols, and ferulic acid, all of which have antioxidant properties.

“These antioxidants reduce the risk of chronic diseases typically associated with aging, such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and kidney disease,” says Hunnes.

In particular, the lignans in flaxseeds have powerful antioxidant properties that have been linked to protection against diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Flax seeds contain up to 800 times more lignans than other plant foods, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

2. They are high in omega-3s, which support heart and brain health

Flax seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acidsessential for healthy aging, according to the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health.

There are three main types of omega-3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Flax seeds contain ALA, which can be converted to EPA and DHA.

The effects of ALA have been studied extensively: It has been shown to have anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, according to a January 2022 review in Phytotherapy research.

“Omega-3s are beneficial for heart health and are anti-inflammatory, which is essential for healthy aging,” says Hunnes. Those who eat a diet rich in omega-3s have a lower risk of heart disease, heart problems and heart disease-related deaths, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

On top of all that, the lignans in flaxseeds have been linked to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association.

Some preclinical research suggests that ALA might even scavenge free radicals and reduce inflammation in the brain, according to the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF).

In this way, ALA may help protect brain and nerve tissue, and researchers are studying it as a possible treatment for brain conditions such as stroke and Alzheimer’s dementia. More research is needed to determine the actual effects of ALA on the brain.

“Omega-3s, which are important in cell membrane structures, are also important for skin health and its ability to recover (also known as skin elasticity),” says Hunnes. “So eating flaxseed is one way to support skin aging.”

3. They have protein, which supports muscle health

One of the main threats to older adults is the loss of muscle mass, strength, and function. Sarcopenia, or age-related muscle loss, occurs when muscles begin to atrophy or waste away, leading to poor balance and weakness.

Loss of muscle mass and lack of strength are directly associated with mortality in the elderly, according to a June 2016 review in Biogerontology.

Fortunately, a combination of exercise and a muscle-supporting diet may help. Protein is a crucial nutrient for combating the natural loss of muscle that occurs over time, according to a June 2016 review in nutrients.

Older adults may require more protein in their diets to preserve and increase muscle mass. Flax seeds contain up to 30 percent protein, according to an April 2015 review in the Journal of food science and technology.

Two tablespoons of ground flaxseeds have 2.6 grams of protein, or about 6 percent of your daily value (DV), according to the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Flaxseeds have a mild, nutty flavor, making them a nice addition to oatmeal, smoothies, cereals, frozen desserts, salads, and more.

Here are some creative ways to incorporate flaxseed into your daily diet:

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