Want to boost fertility? eat these vegetables

Fertility Booster: Vegetables are considered very beneficial for health. Especially by the consumption of green vegetables and eyes, obesity is controlled. But did you know that vegetables can also boost fertility? Yes, there are many such vegetables by which you can boost fertility. Today in this article we will tell you about some such vegetables, which can improve fertility.

green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are a rich source of folic acid and vitamin C, which help in improving the process of ovulation. It reduces the chances of miscarriage and genetic abnormalities. Vegetables like spinach, broccoli, kale and fenugreek should be included in your diet to improve fertility. Not only this, the quality of sperms can also be improved by the consumption of green vegetables.

eat garlic

Garlic is helpful in increasing fertility. The antioxidant present in it, selenium can improve fertility. Garlic also maintains the estrogen balance in the body and thus supports fertility. For men, it actually helps in increasing the sperm movement which increases the chances of conception if consumed regularly.

eat beans

Beans are rich in lean protein and iron. Continuing when you are trying to conceive can be very beneficial for women, as iron levels in the body can be increased by its consumption. Beans are known to increase the fertility level of a woman and even increase the libido.

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You can consume these vegetables to improve fertility ability. However, if you have any kind of problem, then definitely consult an expert.

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