Washing underwear with other clothes is dangerous! Know what is the right way to wash it?

Underwear Washing Rules: While washing clothes, we tend to ignore many such things which are most important to pay attention to. We all put most of the clothes in the same bucket, without thinking that some clothes need to be washed separately. People separate white clothes for fear of getting stains, but what about underwear? Many of us or rather most people wash underwear along with other clothes, but is it right to do so? Should underwear be washed with the rest of the clothes? Let us know what is the answer to this.

According to researchers, a single piece of underwear can contain up to 10 grams of feces a day, so imagine what happens when you wash it in the washing machine with the rest of your clothes? There will be about 100 million Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in this water, which are believed to be responsible for spreading the infection. According to a research, washing underwear mixed with other clothes can transmit 100 million E. coli (Escherichia coli) in the water, which can put you at risk of infection.

Should hot water be used?

Automatic washing machines have made it very easy for us to wash and dry many clothes. But what should be the temperature of water for washing clothes, many of us do not pay attention to it. If we are washing the clothes at 15 degree Celsius, then it is correct. But we should also know that some of our clothes, especially underwear, contain a lot of bacteria. That’s why such clothes should be washed at a minimum temperature of 40 degree Celsius. If the person wearing them is suffering from any infection, then the need to wash your underwear separately in hot water increases all the more.

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Is it okay to wash kitchen cloths with underwear?

The cloth that we use to keep our kitchen clean, many people put that cloth in the washing machine along with the underwear. Do you know that if you wash the kitchen cloth with underwear, then this same kitchen cloth will get infected with bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus and E. Coli and then when you use it to clean the utensils, these bacteria Can you reach me easily?

Detergent alone is not a good option

Most people use a strong detergent to wash clothes, that too in cold water. Underwear contains a large number of bacteria. That’s why they should be washed in very hot water. Detergent alone is not enough to wash the underwear. You have to include detergent as well as bleach in hot water, only then the work of bacteria that spread the infection will be done. Apart from this, you can also use disinfectant.

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