WATCH: Bill Gillespie Sets NEW Equipped ATWR Bench Press With 1,129 lbs at 62 Years Old! – Fitness Volt

People really like to trash rigged weightlifting because it looks super fun, the range of motion is often questionable, and there are seemingly always endless numbers of bystanders helping the lifter. Be that as it may, equipped weightlifting it is still POWER LIFTING. It is still a strength sport that requires a lot of dedication and talent to be good at. Also, keep in mind that equipped lifers handle weights greater than what the average powerlifter can handle in a match. It’s all fun and games until the equipped lifter squats down with the weight of a small car on their back.

Bill Gillespie Equipped Bench Press ATWR 1129lbs

This quick introduction leads us to Bill Gillespie and his new bench press world record equipped with mind-boggling 1129lbs in recent meet. Bill Gillespie has been competing in powerlifting since 1981, which would mean he set an all-time world record in his 41st year of competition at the tender age of 62. Now that’s a lot of numbers in one sentence, so let’s get to the most important one: 1129 pounds.

Read: Weightlifter Danial Zamani smokes 350kg (771.6lbs) of raw bench press, announces 800lbs attempt

Bill’s bank seemed clean and spotless, and that means a lot in the world of equipped lift. As I mentioned earlier in the text, the rigged lift often looks very “dodgy” in the range of motion department, but this looked amazing. Bill Gillespie takes the weight off as “September” from “Earth, Wind & Fire” cuts through the sand and confidently lowers the weight to his chest. The weight settles on his chest and when the judge gives the “press” signal, he throws the weight up and that’s a “good lift” and Bill Gillespie just set a world record. This is what he had to say about it in his own words.

1129 All-time world record! Praise God for an incredible 50 year journey and all the great lessons I have learned about life and my relationship with God. Today is my last competition and in my last attempt I have been blessed with the honor of standing on top of the mountain. I want to thank so many people for their support and help because I know that things like this don’t just happen. I’m done racing now at 62 years old and I’m going to lose weight and use the journey I’ve been through to help enrich other people’s lives.

Read: Julius Maddox is ‘officially ready for 800’ after scoring double on 750-pound bench press

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From the wording of his post, it sounds like we could have witnessed history, as he has his sights set on a well-earned retirement at 62 years of age. Judging by the smoothness of that bench, he could easily continue to break world records with ridiculous amounts of weight, but keep in mind that he’s been lifting for 50 years, 40 of which are spent competing. That is the time away from family and friends. Countless hours under the bar pushing through the pain and hurt. All that lifting must be shit for the body and the mind. Bill Gillespie earned his retirement and comes out on top, with one last record to his name.

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