Watch Kate Upton Crush a Set of Trap Bar Deadlifts

Personal trainer Ben Bruno has worked with a wide range of celebrity clients, from star athletes like Giancarlo Stanton to comedians like chelsea manager. One of Bruno’s oldest clients is a model and actress. Kate Uptonand frequently shares clips from his sessions, showing the impressive strength gains he has made.

In her most recent workout video on Instagram, Bruno praised the progress Upton has made since they started training together, recalling how she was initially hesitant to lift heavy weights, but is now eager to take on new strength training challenges.

“[Kate Upton] she has come a long way in the gym,” Bruno wrote. “I used to be very squeamish about lifting heavy weights, but now she is the one asking me to increase the weight. Strength training does wonders for the body and mind. I love seeing the transformation. Here he’s doing trap bar deadlifts, which might be my favorite overall exercise, as well as staggered trap bar deadlifts, which is a variation we often do to skew one leg at a time. If you have a cheat bar, try it.”

Trap Bar Deadlift they’re a popular version of the classic compound movement: the technique of lifting the weight through the handles at your sides instead of holding the bar in front of you requires fewer adjustments and can be a good way to start lifting for beginners.

“It’s going to be a lot easier and a lot more natural for you to grab the trap bar,” he says. men’s health fitness manager Ebenezer Samuel CSCS “You’ll be able to go explosive with this, use it for energy, and still move a significant load.”

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As with any deadlift, when training with a trapeze bar, it’s important to know what stance and position is right for you. Align your shins with the center of the trap bar, keeping the weight in front of you. At the start of the lift, push your glutes back and bend your knees before reaching for the bar and gripping it firmly.

Philip Ellis is a UK freelance writer and journalist who covers pop culture, relationships and LGBTQ+. His work has appeared in GQ, Teen Vogue, Man Repeller, and MTV.

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