Ways to increase iron deficiency in women – GoMedii

Iron is one of the essential minerals for the body. Iron plays a very important role in keeping you healthy. If there is a deficiency of iron in the body, it can affect many parts of the body. Iron deficiency causes blood loss in the body and hemoglobin decreases. This can lead to a lack of oxygen in the body. It can affect the health of the baby during pregnancy.

Iron deficiency can also cause fatigue and weakness. Many times, due to poor eating habits, excessive dieting, excessive bleeding during periods and during pregnancy, there is a lack of iron in the body. In such a situation, some such symptoms start appearing in the body, ignoring which can put you in trouble.

Symptoms of iron deficiency in women

hair fall

Due to lack of iron in the body, hair becomes weak and starts falling. It is believed that about 100 hairs fall every day, but if your hair is falling more than this and is not coming back then it could also be due to iron deficiency. These hairs do not come back until the iron deficiency in the body is completed. What are the symptoms of iron deficiency and diseases caused by iron deficiency.

shortness of breath

If you have trouble breathing after climbing stairs or doing any work, it may be that your body is deficient in iron.


Iron deficiency is common in women, due to which anemia occurs. Symptoms of iron deficiency are very common and should be taken care of.

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foot ache

If you have pain in your legs while sleeping at night, then you may have iron deficiency. Iron deficiency causes leg cramps and difficulty sleeping.

increased heartbeat

If you feel that your heart is beating fast after doing some work then it is a bad sign. Low hemoglobin and low amount of oxygen have a bad effect on the heart.

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