We fall sick again and again, is it the week immunity is not responsible?

How To Improve Immunity: Since Corona, the meaning of the word immunity has increased a lot in the health world. Not only corona, only those who have good immunity can fight against any disease. Seasonal flu, cold and cough are also less for those whose immunity is strong. If your immunity is weak and fall prey to disease early, then these methods can be improved.

What is immunity?
In simple words, everyone’s body has a different mechanism that does not allow any disease to happen internally or externally, if it does, then eliminates it without harming the tissues of our body. If the immunity remains strong, the body does not come under the grip of any disease quickly and even if it comes, it cures the disease quickly.

How is immunity weakened?
Immunity depends on your genes, your childhood diet and lifestyle of this time. If you did not eat very healthy and nutritious food in childhood, then it may be that there is immunity week since childhood. Or it may be that if there is a disease in childhood, then due to its treatment or due to its treatment also there is a bad effect on immunity.

Immunity Booster Food?
Make a routine that according to the season, one vitamin C food is to be eaten every day. Amla, lemon, orange and other citrus fruits contain the most vitamin-C. Apart from this, you can also eat Chyawanprash every day in winter. Apart from this, there are immunity booster foods in blueberry, broccoli, spinach, ginger, garlic, turmeric, dark chocolate, green tea which must be included in your diet.

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take a supplement
On the advice of a doctor, you can take immunity booster supplements. Before prescribing any medicine, the doctor can do basic vitamin and mineral tests and according to that, those who are lacking in the body can give medicines. On the advice of the doctor, taking a good brand of multi-vitamin or any other supplement will definitely boost immunity.

fitness boosts immunity
A healthy body is the best immunity of the body. If you cannot keep the body fit, then diseases will come first and then eating medicines or antibiotics can also make the immunity very weak, so always stay fit no matter what kind of workout do for it.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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