A well-known and loving mother who was a Cumbria Police detective has taken her own life after a long and hard battle with her mental health.
Andrea Buggy died in September 2020 at the age of 39. She was a police officer working in West Cumbria.
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An inquest at Cockermouth Coroner’s Court today (February 1) has concluded that Andrea took her own life after a long battle with severe depression.
During the investigation, the court heard Andrea’s husband, David. Paying tribute to her life, she said: “We got married in 2009. In relation to Andrea’s life before we met, I know she was born and raised in West Cumbria.
“He did well in school and went to Lancaster University to study sports science. He graduated from the university and soon after joined the police force.
“Joining the police had always been what she wanted, it had been her plan. His loves in life were the police and his sport.
“I think she had been a police officer for less than a year when we met. Andrea was a very active person, playing football at a high level representing regional teams and the Workington Reds women’s team.
“She was very close to her parents throughout her life, as well as to her two sisters. For Andrea, her whole family was very important.”
Andrea, from Workington, never lost her love for working with Cumbria Police and David explained how she went back to work after the birth of her son in 2015.
In 2018, Andrea confessed to David that she had been seeing a doctor and that she was suffering from depression and “it seemed to be an issue she was dealing with well.”
In early 2019 Andrea was struggling to work and took sick leave and during this time she overdosed and self-harmed.
David told the court how Andrea had started to harm herself and had been admitted to Furness General Hospital in Barrow for psychiatric help.
Andrea had been consulting community support workers to try to help her with her mental health issues, and in the lead up to her death, there were a number of times she was admitted to hospital due to an overdose.
David added: “She spoke to me after these events and told me that she felt some relief in taking that action.
“The way she made sure people were aware, it makes me think that Andrea had no intention of committing suicide at the time.
“The problems came in waves, with much brighter and happier times in between.”
Andrea was worried about her finances and had applied for medical retirement before her death. On the day of her death, David had been trying to contact Andrea but was unable to reach her.
Beginning to worry, David called Andrea’s father, who offered to come see her. When he arrived, he found her unconscious.
PC Bradley was one of the officers who attended Andrea’s home after receiving the welfare call.
PC Bradley explained how they found Andrea on the stairs unresponsive and along with PC Winter took her to the bottom of the stairs before starting CPR.
Paramedics later pronounced her dead.
No suicide note was found at the scene, however Andrea had previously sent one to her friend Sandra Gilpin.
Parts of it read: “I’m so sorry I did this, I really thought I was a stronger person, but there are some battles you can’t win.
“Please remember how fun, entertaining and loving me and this person have been lately.”
Andrea saw several mental health professionals and community support workers who worked to help her.
It was said that he related well to them and worked hard to overcome depression.
Andrea was later diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress disorder.
You don’t have to suffer in silence if you’re struggling with your mental health.
Here are some groups you can contact:
samaritans: Telephone 116 123, 24 hours a day, or email [email protected], confidentially.
child line: Telephone 0800 1111. Calls are free and will not appear on your bill.
PAPYRUS: A voluntary organization that supports suicidal teens and young adults. Telephone 0800 068 4141.
Alliance Against Depression: A charity for people with depression. There is no helpline, but it does offer helpful resources and links to other information.
Students against depression: A website for students who are depressed, moody, or suicidal. Click here to visit.
Harassment UK: A website for children and adults affected by bullying. Click here.
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALMA): For young people who feel unhappy. There is a helpline: 0800 58 58 58 or visit website.
Concluding the investigation, Area Coroner Kirsty Gomersal said: “Andrea was a loving mother and wife to Mr. Buggy. She was also a beloved daughter and sister.”
“She was friends with many people, a talented detective agent and footballer who played at a high level. I would echo Mr. Buggy’s statement that she had a very supportive family who went out of their way to support her.”
“Joining the police force was everything he ever wanted, a job he loved and never lost love for. In 2018 he began to suffer from depression.
“He started self-harming and subsequently overdosed. He engaged with mental health services and had a good relationship with David, his community support worker.
“When Andrea cut or overdosed, she would contact someone to tell them, she said she felt liberated from these episodes.
“On September 16, this was the first time he acted without telling someone what he intended to do.
“Andrea had been found by her father after concerns were raised.”
Ms. Gomersal concluded that Andrea committed suicide.
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