What are electrolytes, why are people repeatedly told in summer that if they keep drinking, they will be saved

Electrolyte: Dehydration is a common problem in the summer season. The condition of the person starts deteriorating. Feels like dizziness and fainting. Then he is given electrolyte water in a hurry. This will happen sometime with you or in your house too. But have you ever tried to know what is electrolyte water? After drinking which one feels freshness and energy in the body. As soon as electrolyte water enters the body, the body parts can function properly. Let us know about it in detail.

what is electrolyte

Electrolytes are a type of minerals that are always needed by the body to keep it functioning. Our body makes electrolytes from the food and water we eat. These electrolytes spread throughout the body and use electric energy for shearer functions. Its function is to maintain water balance in the body, transport nutrients to cells, remove waste products, help send signals to nerves, relax muscles, and help maintain brain and heart function. There is a special role. Elements like sodium potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, chloride are considered helpful in maintaining electrolytes. Many sports drinks and water contain electrolytes. By drinking which you can maintain a good amount of electrolytes in your body.

Problems caused by electrolyte imbalance

Due to electrolyte imbalance, there is a problem of dehydration, due to which symptoms like fatigue, weakness, dizziness are seen in the body. The risk of heat stroke increases in the summer season. This is the reason that in summer people should drink more and more water and It is said to drink fluids. Because this is the easiest way to correct electrolyte imbalance. Whereas when the problem increases more

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If there is a problem like diarrhea and vomiting, then it is advised to consume electrolyte water. To get rid of dehydration, doctors suggest drinking electrolyte infused water. It is also advised to drink more and more water during exercise in summer to maintain the loss of water flowing through sweat. Helps improve brain, muscle and nervous system function.

What are the symptoms of electrolyte imbalance?

  • muscle cramps
  • feeling tired or lethargic most of the time
  • Irregular heartbeat or palpitation
  • confusion or difficulty concentrating
  • prone to headaches and migraines
  • feeling nausea or vomiting

How to make electrolyte water at home

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup lemon juice

1/2 cup coconut water

2 cups cold water

Put all the ingredients in a big glass and mix it well and keep it in the fridge to cool for some time. Your electrolyte water is ready.

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