What happens if you drink milk without vegetables? Know the truth today

Elders in the house often say that one should not drink milk after eating non-vegetarian food, even by mistake. But today we will know in detail in this article whether there is any truth behind this or it is just a myth that you should not drink anywhere? Many people believe that drinking milk after eating chicken or fish causes diseases like vitiligo or leukoderma to develop in the body.

In fact, this does not happen, vitiligo is caused by a lack of melanin in the body. White spots on the body appear when melanocytes stop working. These die. Which produces melanin in the body. It gives color to our skin. If a person’s immunity is low, he gets this disease.

Why is it forbidden to eat non-vegetarian products with milk?

Milk should be drunk after 2-3 hours of non-vegetarian food. This is prohibited because all these foods are very heavy. Fish, chicken and mutton themselves are very heavy and if you drink milk after that it can cause indigestion and stomach upset.

Consuming milk with or after non-vegetarian foods is prohibited as the amount of protein in both is very high. Both contain casein-rich X proteins. If you eat the two together, you risk causing indigestion and problems with the digestive system.

Deepshikha Aggarwal, famous dietitian and sports nutritionist, said that there is no scientific fact that drinking milk after fish causes white spots on the body. He said that today there are many milk-based fish recipes and its consumption does not cause any kind of skin allergy or skin problem. Some people can get a fungal infection from eating fish and milk together.

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Experts believe that the cause of white spots is fungal infection or pigmentation. Vitiligo occurs in any part of the body or body due to fungal infection or destruction of pigment cells called melanocytes.

Some people may have allergies after eating milk, mutton or fish.

He said anyone can have a lactose problem, so allergies, vomiting or stomach upset can occur after eating fish. This can also happen by eating these two foods separately. But nothing like this happens when consuming fish and milk together.

Disclaimer: Some information given in news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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