What is classical migraine and what is its treatment? – GoMedii

In today’s era, we are getting to hear about many types of diseases. One of these is migraine or migraine. You must have heard about headache. Maybe you have experienced it too. Migraine is a condition in which a person experiences repeated severe headaches. Usually its effect is seen in half the head and the pain keeps on coming and going.

However, in many people this pain also occurs in the whole head. Migraine is a special type of headache which is different from normal headache and many people all over the world suffer from it. Maybe people ignore it as a common headache. But keep in mind, if you have this type of pain again and again, then you must consult a good doctor.

Migraine with aura (also called classic migraine) is a severe headache. When this pain begins, the person may feel flashes of light, spots and other vision changes, tingling in the hands or face. In fact, a migraine attack occurs when there are symptoms of classical migraine. In classical migraine, the blood vessels become narrower and the blood vessels enlarge in this stage. If you feel the same way, then you should immediately contact the doctor. If you want to consult a doctor, click here.

How is classical migraine treated? (How is Classical Migraine Treated in English)

This question matters to every person who is troubled by this disease. Since, he considers it to be just a headache, he consumes a lot of headache pills and people who get less sleep. They are more prone to get this disease. In severe cases, doctors recommend brain surgery.

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When a person suffering from this does not get relief with any other method of treatment, then doctors recommend him to undergo brain surgery. In this surgery, that part of the brain is corrected, due to which the person has severe pain in the head.

Symptoms of classical migraine

Some of the symptoms of migraine are as follows:

  • stiff neck
  • disturbed by sound
  • excessive thirst
  • having trouble speaking
  • getting more hungry

  • low blood pressure
  • irritability, anger
  • to be constipated
  • having vision problems (visual disturbances)
  • frequent urination
  • dizzy

What are the causes of classic migraine? (What are the causes of classical migraine in Hindi)

Although their exact cause is unknown, they are thought to be the result of abnormal activity affecting nerve signals, chemicals, and blood vessels in the brain. It’s not clear what causes this change in brain activity, but it’s possible that some people struggle with this helpless headache because of their genes. Well, there are some ingredients that can cause inexplicable headaches, so if a person avoids them, he/she can reduce the chances of getting a migraine. The problem of migraine can be mainly due to some reasons, which are as follows:

  • Eating unhealthy food: Nutritious food is considered the key to a healthy person as it boosts his immunity. This also applies in the context of migraine and thus this problem of the head can happen to a person who does not eat nutritious food.
  • Changes in hormones: If hormones are not changed in the normal way, then it can cause many diseases. So this can cause this problem of the head.
  • Waking up and sleeping time is not correct: You must have heard often that all people should sleep and wake up at the right time, but in the present time there are many people who do not follow this rule. By doing this, they have to face helpless headache like migraine.
  • Engaging in sexual activities: Migraines are also possible in case of excessive sexual activity. So everyone should try to do it in limited quantity.
  • Taking too much stress: Migraines are more likely to occur in people who take a lot of stress. In such a situation, no person should take stress because it affects his mental cells.
  • Over-consumption of medicine: If a person is taking excessive amount of medicine for any disease, then he may have this mental problem. So every person should take any medicine without doctor’s advice as it can have some side effects.
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Don’t Ignore Classic Migraines

Due to stress and change in routine, the number of migraine patients is increasing day by day. But the thing to note is that do not ignore any kind of pain in the head. If you are often troubled by headaches, then do not take it lightly. Recurrent migraine pain can also lead to paralysis or brain haemorrhage, so contact a doctor immediately if you see symptoms of migraine.

Classic migraine prevention tips? (How to prevent classical migraine in Hindi)

There are some important things related to migraine that we need to know, such as the measures to prevent it. Let us talk about some such important points.

  • exercise: If you give importance to daily exercise in your life then this activity can be very beneficial for your healthy life. Especially if we talk about migraine, then exercising regularly reduces the chances of migraine. So make a habit of exercising daily.
  • Keep the routine balanced: One way to avoid migraine is to keep your routine organized. Just like we mentioned that getting enough sleep is essential, in the same way, having a regular bedtime and waking up routine is also important. Along with this, there are many such routine work which we need to keep balanced.
  • Getting enough sleep: According to experts, we need at least 6 hours of sleep throughout the day. Failure to do so may adversely affect our health. Getting enough sleep is especially important for people with migraines.

If you want to get treated for Migraine Click here or you us Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) can contact on In addition, you can also email us at [email protected] regarding our services. Our team will contact you as soon as possible.

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