What is Holistic Wellness And Does it Cure Major Diseases Like Cancer? Expert Answers

Meaning, Process and Importance of Holistic Wellness: Your body is a complex combination of many things that mostly make up your brain and heart. When treating the disease you are suffering from, the aim of any treatment is to target your heart or your brain to find the root cause of the problem and make a proper diagnosis. However, holistic wellness is a type of treatment that affects your entire body. It is a method that aims to treat the whole mind, body and soul. Sattva Rashtra, India’s only community festival to celebrate holistic wellness and life, defines holistic wellness as an approach that focuses on the whole human body.Also Read – Health Benefits of Tulsi Tea: Not Just a Winter Drink, 7 Reasons Why You Should Consume This ‘Queen of Herbs’ in Your Daily Diet

What is holistic wellness?

Holistic wellness is the practice of treating the whole mind, body and spirit. A holistic approach focuses on the entire human body. Holistic wellness uses the word literally meaning “holistic.” That is, it defines well-being as the interdependence of various dimensions of health. This includes a person’s physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual and financial health. It is seen as a way of life with a deep sense of self. Holistic wellness is the most effective method of achieving wellness because of its multifaceted approach. Also Read – Period Bloating: Consume these 5 foods to get rid of bloating instantly

Does holistic wellness help fight major diseases?

Yes, it does, because holistic treatment is more about identifying the root of the ailment than just addressing the symptoms. The world’s biggest killers are heart disease, many forms of cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis and obesity. Holistic wellness is an approach to health that looks at all aspects of a person’s life and how they interact with their environment. Holistic wellness means that all individuals can play a role in their own well-being rather than relying solely on the medical model to treat illness and disease. It involves looking at the health of mind, body and spirit as a way to promote well-being. Also Read – Health Benefits of Walnuts: Do Walnuts Help Prevent Heart Diseases? How much should you have in a day? You need to know

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What are the eight unique dimensions of holistic wellness?

As described by Sattva Rashtra, representing purity and wisdom, there are eight unique dimensions of holistic well-being:

  1. Professional
  2. Emotional
  3. Spiritual
  4. Environmental
  5. Financial
  6. Physical
  7. social
  8. intellectual

These eight dimensions, when brought together, become a road map to holistic well-being by balancing mind, body and spirit. Human beings exist only when we live from one element (body or mind) when in fact all three elements (body, mind and spirit) are intricately interconnected and their harmonious interplay is a pre-requisite for holistic well-being. is

While we do not recommend relying on other methods of treatment to cure illness, holistic wellness certainly comes as a ray of hope for those who aim to cure not only themselves but the disease they apparently suffer from.

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