What is Rainbow Diet? All You Need To Know About This Colorful Meal Plan

Eating three to five servings of fruits and vegetables every day will certainly improve your health. But according to a growing number of experts, healthy eating isn’t just about how many servings you eat; it’s also about the diversity of food you eat. This involves adhering to a rainbow diet plan.Read also – Hormone imbalance? Expert shares tips to restore hormonal balance

Making your plate look like a rainbow involves adding foods of various colors, such as green, red, purple, yellow, and orange, to make your plate as vibrant as possible. This means that you get enough nutrients, vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables for the body. You can harness the power of these cancer-fighting and immune-boosting nutrients by eating all the colors of the nutritional rainbow.

So how do you build a healthy, nutritious and colorful diet plate?

Red: Red fruits and vegetables include pigments called anthocyanins, which act as powerful antioxidants in your body. Pomegranates, red peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, are foods that can benefit you. They are also considered to be beneficial for the skin, reduce the risk of diabetes, and reduce the chances of stroke and heart disease.

Orange and yellow: Carotenoids, the plant pigment responsible for vibrant color, are abundant in most orange and yellow foods. Increasing your intake of carrots, lemons, oranges, mangoes, and sweet potatoes will benefit your overall health. They help build immunity, are good for the eyes, healthy for the skin, and keep joints healthy.

Green: Green leafy vegetables are a wonderful source of calcium and should be included in your diet on a regular basis. Vegetables rich in vitamin A include broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Other green foods rich in vitamin C are kiwis and green peppers. Increasing the amount of green foods in your diet will cleanse your body, aid in tissue repair, and reduce your risk of cancer.

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Blue and purple: Phytonutrients are abundant in blue and purple fruits and vegetables. Blackberries, plums, blueberries, red cabbage, and eggplant are among the foods that may be beneficial. They are considered essential for health as they help fight inflammatory conditions, maintain a healthy urinary tract, and reduce the chance of memory loss as you age.

Brown: Fiber has a wide range of health benefits. It supports weight management by balancing sugar levels, reducing blood sugar spikes, regulating bowel movements, managing cholesterol, and digestive health. Fiber is abundant in fresh brown fruits, nutritious nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

Try this eating plan to enrich your life with a variety of colors!

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