What is the cost of Ovarian Tumor Removal Surgery in India?

Do you know that nowadays more and more women are suffering from ovarian tumors. Ovarian tumors are a dangerous disease, which can also prove fatal. Ovarian tumor is a disease that can be treated if detected at the right time. If you encourage this disease, it can take a more dangerous form. Women may face many problems due to ovarian tumor. It is generally seen that the surgical option is chosen to remove the ovarian tumor. Today in this article we will know what is the cost of Ovarian Tumor Removal Surgery in India?



What is an ovarian tumor?


An ovarian tumor refers to an abnormal growth of cells in the ovary, as a result of which a mass called a tumor forms. Each tumor is not the same, it can be benign or malignant.


Benign tumor: This is a generally harmless type of tumor. It does not spread to other parts of the body and is therefore relatively easy to treat.


Malignant tumor: This is a cancerous tumor that grows quickly. Malignant tumors can also spread to other parts of the body, this is called metastasis. It is very important to treat it immediately, so that it does not get worse.


How are ovarian tumor symptoms seen in women?


Ovarian tumors can present with a variety of symptoms and are often invisible in the early stages. Some common ones are:


  • pain or swelling in the lower abdomen
  • rapid weight loss or gain
  • feeling of discomfort or bloating in the stomach
  • frequent urination
  • painful cramps during menstruation
  • pelvic pain
  • vomiting
  • Feeling full more quickly than usual when eating
  • pain during sex
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What can be the causes of an ovarian tumor in women?


It is difficult to know the exact causes of ovarian tumors, but some of the main reasons may include:


  • Genetic factors: If a family member has had ovarian cancer, the risk increases.


  • Hormonal imbalance: A hormonal imbalance can cause abnormal growth of cells in the body.


  • Frequent ovulations: Due to regular ovulation, the possibility of cellular changes increases, which increases the risk of tumors.



What is the diagnosis of ovarian tumor?


To diagnose ovarian tumors, doctors use various techniques to determine the location, size, and type of the tumor.


  • Ultrasound: In this, the position of the tumor is detected using sound waves. This process is painless and carries no risks.


  • CT and MRI: These scanning techniques are useful in detecting the depth of the tumor, its size and its effects on nearby organs.


  • Blood test: In this, a protein called CA-125 is examined, which increases in cases of ovarian cancer. If an increase in its level is noted, there may be a possibility that the tumor is cancerous.



What is ovarian tumor removal surgery?


The main goal of ovarian tumor removal surgery is to remove the tumor from the ovary. The extent of this surgical procedure depends on the type, size of the tumor and the health status of the patient.


Types of surgery:


Laparoscopic surgery: Small incisions are made on the body and the tumor is removed using an endoscope. This surgery is done in less time and also heals quickly. It is also called “keyhole surgery”.

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Laparotomy: During this surgery, the tumor is removed by making a large incision in the stomach. This is done when the tumor is large and laparoscopic removal is not possible.


Oophorectomy: In this case, along with the tumor, the ovary is also removed. This is mainly done in cases of cancerous tumors so that the disease does not progress further.



What should be the care after surgery?


After the operation, the patient needs proper care to recover completely. To do this, the following elements should be kept in mind:


  • Relax: After the operation, it is important to rest for a few days so that the body can recover. Avoid heavy work or laborious tasks.


  • Eat nutritious foods: A nutritious and balanced diet is necessary for the body’s recovery. Eat fruits, vegetables and foods rich in protein.


  • Take medication: Take medicines prescribed by the doctor on time to avoid infections and relieve pain.


  • Get regular checkups: Get examined by a doctor from time to time so that any abnormalities can be detected.



What can be the side effects after surgery?


There are some common side effects that can occur after surgery that are important to be aware of:


  • Pain and swelling: After surgery, pain and swelling at the incision site may persist for a while, which gradually subsides.


  • Risk of infection: There is a risk of infection at the site of the surgical incision, so special attention should be paid to cleanliness.


  • Hormonal imbalance: If the ovaries have been removed, hormonal changes may occur in the body. This can cause mood swings, fatigue, and other symptoms.
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Measures to prevent ovarian tumors


Some precautions can be taken to reduce the risk of ovarian tumors:


  • Regular health check-up: By carrying out regular health checkups from time to time, tumors can be detected at an early stage.


  • Consume a balanced diet: Nutritious foods like green vegetables, fruits and proteins keep the body healthy and increase immunity.


  • Reduce stress: Stress can cause hormonal imbalance in the body, so to reduce it, do yoga, meditation and light exercises.





Ovarian tumor removal surgery is extremely important for women’s health, especially when the tumor is cancerous. This surgery not only prevents serious pathologies but also improves the patient’s quality of life. This disease can be controlled by prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment.




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