What is the effect on our body due to the premature heat? Know how it

Before time or too much heat, can cause many health problems. Fatigue and serious cases include a heat stroke. Due to which organ can also fail. And even death can occur. Due to so much heat, there may be a lack of water in the body, dizzy, fainting and many health problems. For this reason, health is gradually starting to deteriorate.

A heat stroke means that the body becomes yellow
This happens when the body is struggling to control its temperature, causing heavy sweating, a yellow skin, muscle cramps, weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting and fainting. If it is not treated, it can turn into heat stroke.

Heat stroke
A fatal condition in which the body temperature increases dangerously (40 ° C or greater than 104 ° F).

Symptoms include high body temperature, confusion, agitation, vague speech, convulsions and a coma.

Organic insufficiency

(Lung, heart, kidney, liver) and even death can cause serious complications.

Lack of body water
Due to the heat, liquids come out due to the perspiration of the body, which can cause a lack of water in the body. Dehydration can cause stunning, fainting and it can be difficult to get enough blood in the brain.

Determination of existing health conditions:
Heat can exert pressure on the heart and kidneys and may be worse, such as cardiovascular, mental, respiratory and diabetic problems.

Already, people with hearts, lungs, kidney problems or mental health are more risks during heat.

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Difficulty breathing: Hot air can increase respiratory conditions such as asthma and Mpoc.

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Sleepy Sleeping and sleeping can be difficult because of heat. The heat can slow the time of reflection and reaction.

Warning: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing a suggestion, you must consult the expert concerned.

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