What is the olive oil controversy? Don’t worry, it’s perfectly suited to Indian cooking

METERMost of my clients say that olive oil is not suitable for Indian cooking. However, most of them are not sure why. In the Mediterranean diet, widely known as the healthiest in the world, olive oil is the main means of cooking. It is used in all types of cooking, including frying, baking, and grilling. This oil is also used as a dressing, in sauces, marinades, and as a condiment in the region.

And it can certainly be adapted to Indian cuisine.

Why the controversy?

The smoke point of olive oil is largely responsible for the controversy that surrounds it.

To determine if a certain type of oil can be used as a cooking medium, the smoke point is considered. It is the temperature at which fat molecules begin to degrade and smoke is seen. Oils with low smoke points and high polyunsaturated fatty acids are prone to degrading and producing harmful polar compounds, including lipid peroxide and aldehydes. Research shows that these compounds are carcinogenic in nature, causing increased oxidative stress in the body and increasing the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Therefore, most people prefer to cook with fats that are stable at high temperatures.

Olive oil has a low smoke point, which is of concern to some of its users.

However, recent studies have refuted the correlation between a cooking oil’s performance and smoke point. according to a study 2018extra-virgin olive oil produced the fewest harmful by-products and was considered the best oil for cooking, beating others with higher smoke points such as canola, coconut and grapeseed oil.

Identifying the exact smoke point of an oil can be difficult, but a range can be helpful. Olive oil has a smoke point 350 to 410°F (177 to 220°C), which is reasonably high for an unrefined oil. This temperature is used for most types of cooking. Therefore, olive oil is suitable for most cooking methods.

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Oxidative stability

The smoke point of a cooking oil is not the only property that determines its suitability. For cooking oils to be suitable, they must also be oxidatively stable. Among the three types of fatty acids saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA), saturated fats such as butter and ghee are very resistant to intense heat. The majority vegetable oils such as soybean and canola oil, which are rich in PUFAs, are vulnerable to high temperatures and oxidative degradation. Olive oil is mainly made up of MUFAwhich represents 73 percent of its composition and gives it high oxidative stability when exposed to heat.

in a 2010 study, extra virgin olive oil was found to be particularly resistant to oxidation when used for frying. Other to study compared the thermal oxidation of olive oil, sunflower oil and a mixture of both during 40 home frying sessions of various foods. He found that for the first 20 frying, the olive oil and oil blend worked more satisfactorily than the sunflower oil. It is concluded that olive oil does not produce significant amounts of harmful compounds, even under extreme conditions such as frying.

Nutrition and health benefits

There are different grades of olive oil.

First press extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) contains several Bioactive substances, including powerful antioxidants and vitamin E, and is considered the healthiest type of olive oil. The oil is minimally processed and mechanically extracted. Refined oils, on the other hand, are produced through a combination of mechanical, heating, and chemical processes that leave them with high levels of oxidative byproducts. As an antioxidant, Vitamin E It is effective against free radicals, which can cause cell damage. The antioxidants in EVOO include oleocanthalan anti-inflammatory compound, and oleuropein, a substance that prevents the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.

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A studio 2020 found that regular consumption of olive oil could be linked to lower levels of interleukin 6, a common inflammatory marker. A Mediterranean diet that is high in olive oil has been consistently linked to better heart health and may reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Habitual consumption of olive oil also short the risk of breast cancer and cancer of the digestive system.

EVOO gets better the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and beneficial components found in a variety of vegetables, such as carotenoids and glucosinolates.

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In one word

Tasty minimally processed olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, antioxidants, vitamin E and vitamin K. Olive oil is heat resistant and does not oxidize. Oil can be damaged if heated to very high temperatures, such as 240°C, for long periods of time, such as 24 or 36 hours. These are, however, extremely rare conditions that do not occur in our homes. Apart from being the best cooking oil among all, olive oil is also the healthiest. Wouldn’t it be great if we used olive oil more often?

Subhasree Ray is a doctoral fellow (ketogenic diet), certified diabetes educator, and clinical and public health nutritionist. She tweets @DrSubhasree. Views are personal.









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