What is Yellow Fever, Vector-Borne Disease Prevalent During Monsoon?

A virus called yellow fever is transmitted by insects and causes hemorrhagic fever. It is common in tropical areas of South America and Africa and has a high mortality rate for severe cases.

What is yellow fever, a vector-borne disease that is prevalent during the monsoon? Learn about the causes, symptoms and treatment

Yellow fever is caused by the yellow fever virus (also known as flavivirus), which is transmitted by mosquito bites. Mosquitoes breed near still bodies of water, in humid and semi-humid conditions, and in tropical forests. When a mosquito bites a person or a monkey carrying the virus, they contract the disease. This vector-borne disease can cause high fever, bleeding under the skin, and cell death in the liver and kidneys. If enough liver cells die, liver damage can occur, resulting in jaundice, a disease in which the skin turns yellow.


Most yellow fever patients do not experience any symptoms or only very mild symptoms. Yellow fever is characterized by high body temperature, slow heartbeat, albuminuria, jaundice, facial congestion, and bleeding.

  • Sore muscles (particularly in the back and knees)
  • High fever
  • Nausea
  • vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • loss of appetite

According to today’s medical news, these symptoms often go away within a few days, but about 15% of people progress to the toxic or second stage.

  • relapsing fever
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting, sometimes with blood
  • Tiredness, slowness, lethargy
  • Jaundice
  • Kidney or liver failure
  • Hemorrhage
  • Irregular heartbeat
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It is spread through the bite of an Aedes aegypti mosquito, which is typical. The mosquito contracts the disease after biting an infected person or monkey. For the rest of its life, an infected mosquito will continue to spread the infection. The virus only has known hosts other than mosquitoes in primates and humans.

In many regions of Africa and the Americas, monkeys living in the jungle canopy or jungle canopy are thought to be endemic carriers of the flavivirus. Anyone visiting a region where the yellow fever virus is prevalent is at risk of contracting the disease.


Yellow fever can only be treated with supportive care in a hospital because there is no antiviral medication that can effectively treat the condition. This involves giving fluids, oxygen, monitoring blood pressure, replacing lost blood, starting kidney dialysis if there is kidney failure, and treating any secondary infections. It also includes administration of fluids and oxygen.

Plasma transfusions may be given to replace proteins that help clotting in some people.

If vaccination is required for the destination, travelers should research this beforehand. Yellow fever can be effectively prevented by receiving the vaccine 10-14 days before departure.

Published Date: July 14, 2023 5:43 PM IST


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