What lifestyle changes should you make to maintain better sperm quality?

Are you also worried about the quality of your sperm? At present, fertility problems are becoming more and more common due to irregular lifestyle and poor eating habits. A deterioration in the quality of sperm is observed in men but there are other solutions to remedy this. We often see that men are more hesitant to talk about illnesses related to their fertility problems, which is not correct. Many problems are observed due to poor sperm quality and allopathy, ayurvedic and homeopathic medicines are available to improve sperm quality. Today in this article we will talk about how to improve sperm quality and change your lifestyle.




What are the reasons for poor sperm quality?



There can be many reasons why sperm quality is not better, such as:



  • bad eating habits



  • excessive alcoholism and smoking


  • Other physical Problems like- Diabetesblood pressure, heart disease, Skin And glandular disorders etc.




How much sperm does a man need to have a child?



World Health According to the organization, a man’s semen should contain 15 million sperm per ml. If the sperm count per milliliter of semen in a man is less than 15 lakhs or if the total sperm count during ejaculation is less than 39 lakhs, then it is a sign of male infertility. If sperm quality is not good in men, women become unable to conceive, which can also lead to stress problems.




What things should you eat to maintain better sperm quality?


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There are many types of products that contain many elements that can improve sperm quality. If you consume the products suggested by your doctor, the quality of your sperm may improve. To maintain better sperm quality, consume the following items such as:



  • Grenade: Antioxidants and nutrients are present in abundance in pomegranate, which proves to be more helpful in improving sperm quality. Consumption of pomegranate has other benefits for the body besides improving sperm quality and helps in accelerating sperm production.


  • Pumpkin seeds: Eating pumpkin seeds increases blood circulation and is also found to be helpful in increasing sperm count and quality.


  • did: Banana contains an enzyme called bromelain and vitamin B, which help the body. In good health Keep. If the sperm quality in men is low or poor, they should consume banana so that enduranceHelps increase energy, quantity and quality of sperm.


  • Egg: The egg is more beneficial for the body but it contains certain elements that help increase the quality and quantity of sperm. By consuming eggs, the body also receives a lot of vitamins.


  • Carrots: If men face the problem of impotence, then they carrot in your daily life diet Must be included in. Consuming carrots increases the quality and quantity of sperm.


  • Garlic: Garlic contains many beneficial elements for the body. blood Increases circulation. If a person wants to improve the quality and quantity of sperm, then he should consume garlic daily.


  • Parents: Folic acid is present in spinach, which helps in increasing sperm quality and Fertility Bring strength to the problem.
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  • Walnut: Omega 3 fatty acids and other elements are found in nuts that Body And the spirit keeps both strong. Its consumption increases the quality and quantity of sperm and also cures many other diseases.


  • Broccoli: in broccoli folic acid and vitamins Vitamin B9 is present, which helps women to conceive and also helps reduce diseases related to male reproductive problems.


  • Ashwagandha: To improve sperm quality, you must consume Ashwagandha. By consuming a lot of Ashwagandha the reproduction The problem is decreasing.



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