What not to eat when cholesterol is high? Get list in one click

Cholesterol Diet: Cholesterol is a wax-like substance in our body. It is found in the cells of the body. There are two types of cholesterol in our body, good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). The bad cholesterol present in the body obstructs the flow of blood. Due to this there is a risk of many problems in the body. That’s why many cholesterol patients need to take special care of their diet. Patients suffering from cholesterol are advised not to eat certain things, because such a diet can cause damage to cholesterol. Let’s know about these diets-

What should not be eaten high in cholesterol? – What Not To Eat In High Cholesterol

distance yourself from meat

If you are suffering from cholesterol, then do not forget to consume red meat. Consumption of red meat has the potential to increase cholesterol, which can be very harmful for your health. It can affect your heart health.

avoid chicken

If you love chicken, then be careful. Because it is advisable to avoid eating chicken because of cholesterol. Actually, if you consume chicken high in cholesterol, then it can increase the level of bad cholesterol. This can worsen the blood flow in the body.

Consume less dairy products

Cholesterol patients should consume dairy products at least. It can increase the level of bad cholesterol in the body. Especially keep a distance from full cream milk and products prepared from it.

Also read –

Health Tips: Symptoms of high cholesterol are also visible in the feet, do not ignore them

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