Whatever may be the reason for headache, you will get immediate relief… Must drink this special tea once a day

Hangover Cure Tips: Whether the problem of headache is due to hangover or due to high blood pressure, the tea about which you are being told here is a sure cure for headache caused by many reasons. In the winter season, headache starts due to many problems like running nose, cold, sore throat, stuffy nose, in all these also this tea shows effect like a medicine.

How to make hangover tea?

  • ½ cup water
  • 1 green cardamom
  • 5 mint leaves
  • half teaspoon ajwain
  • 1 teaspoon whole coriander
  • First boil the water.
  • When it starts boiling add all the herbs
  • Now cook them on low flame for 3 minutes
  • Your tea is ready, filter it and enjoy.

This tea protects from many diseases

This tea, which protects against all kinds of headaches, also protects against many other diseases. You can consume it not only in winter but also in summer and control many serious diseases. Learn here which diseases get relief by drinking it…

  • Migraine problem is controlled
  • The problem of high sugar goes away
  • Hormonal imbalance goes away
  • prevents bloating
  • Relieves the problem of high blood pressure
  • caffeine addiction is controlled
  • The problem of sleeplessness goes away
  • Provides relief from respiratory problems
  • Cures the problem of weak immunity
  • The craving for more alcohol is controlled
  • Thyroid problem is controlled
  • Problems related to gut health are cured
  • helps in reducing obesity

Especially beneficial for women

  • This herbal tea is especially beneficial for women. Because it also gives relief in periods and pregnancy related problems.
  • If you have the problem of getting more cramps during periods, excessive clotting or the pain bothers you a lot, then you should consume this tea regularly.
  • Women who are struggling with the problem of PCOS or having cysts in the uterus should also consume this tea regularly. The medicines you are taking will do their work and this herbal tea will help to enhance the effect of those medicines and help the body to heal.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: Troubled by frequent urination in winter, know why this is happening to you and how you will get instant relief

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  It is dangerous to sleep with your mouth covered in the cold

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