When should IUI be done and know how it is done? -GoMedici

Intrauterine insemination, commonly known as IUI, is a common fertility treatment in which the male partner’s semen is transferred directly into the female partner’s uterus. IUI is one of the best and viable fertility treatment options for couples who want to have a baby and have been struggling to conceive for some time now.

Actually IUI is considered as effective as IVF in many conditions of infertility, but the treatment is comparatively much cheaper and less invasive as compared to IVF. Therefore, most women/couples consider IUI before going ahead with IVF and other expensive fertility treatments. IUI is also known as elective insemination, artificial insemination, or donor insemination.

What are the chances of IUI being successful? (What are the chances of IUI being successful in English)

The success rate of a woman getting pregnant through IUI depends on a variety of factors, including the woman’s age, serious fertility problems that cannot be diagnosed, including medications. The success rate of IUI varies from woman to woman. . However, on average, the chances of getting pregnant with each IUI are 10-20% in the case of a woman under 35 years of age. If the woman is over 40 years of age, the success rate is only 2-5% in some cases.

There are many reasons for which couples consider IUI. There can be many reasons for infertility in men or women. However, IUI can be used as a fertility enhancer in the following situations.

  • The mouth of the uterus is called the cervix. Sometimes sperm are not able to get inside due to problems with the cervix. In this case, IUI works to deliver sperms directly into the tubes.
  • Unexplained infertility: IUI along with drugs that induce ovulation is also advised in unexplained infertility.
  • donor sperm Men who have zero sperm and are not even in testicular biopsy can get pregnant by asking for sperm from a donor sperm bank by matching the matching profile of the husband by doing IUI.
  • IUI can be used for male infertility Problems with low sperm count, decreased sperm motility or ejaculation. In IUI, healthy spermatozoa are selected and collected and inserted directly into the uterus, which increases the chances of fertilization.
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Best hospital for IUI treatment in India

If you want to get treated in any of these hospitals then contact us Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) can contact on

What tests are done before IUI? (What tests are done before IUI in Hindi)

Before IUI treatment, your doctor will ask for some important tests for both men and women, which include:

  • semen test
  • prolactin

  • anti HIV

Testing before IUI treatment can confirm the exact cause of infertility and other diseases and increase the chances of treatment being successful.

What are the symptoms of successful IUI? (What are the symptoms of successful IUI in Hindi)

  • Implantation Bleeding: One of the early signs of implantation is bleeding. Since not every woman experiences it, it is considered normal to have it or not.
  • Delay in periods: Delay in periods is a big sign towards the possibility of pregnancy. While there may be spotting or light bleeding in between, there is nothing to worry about.
  • Morning sickness: Nausea or morning sickness are also common symptoms of pregnancy. It can be triggered by a strong smell, aversion to a particular food item, or sometimes for no reason at all.
  • Tiredness: You may feel very tired during this period due to the increased levels of progesterone hormone in your body, as this hormone is known to induce sleep.
  • Persistently elevated body temperature: An increase in progesterone levels can raise your body temperature. If you’ve been noticing an increase in your body temperature for 20 or more days, that’s a good sign, and you may be pregnant. An increase in the level of the hormone progesterone can raise your body temperature.
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How is the IUI procedure done? (Procedure of IUI in Hindi)

Women who feel that the process of IUI is painful, then it is not that it is a painless procedure. However, in some cases, IUI can be done during the natural menstrual cycle without the need for drugs. When a woman ovulates naturally, the doctor places the sperm into your uterus in a clinic setup during ovulation.

In addition, IUI can be done with ovarian stimulation. Doctors may also prescribe medication to help the ovaries mature and release one or more eggs. Let us tell you that if more than one egg is released during ovulation, then the chances of pregnancy increase even more. The process of IUI is done in a clinic, hospital.

For IUI, a woman has to go through the following procedures:

  • You will have to have several follow-up meetings with the doctor which includes ultrasound, blood tests and prescribed medicines etc.
  • You can consume it during your period if medicines are prescribed.
  • A week after you start taking the medicine, you are called back to the clinic for an ultrasound and blood tests.
  • Based on the test results, the doctor confirms when you will ovulate.
  • On the day of IUI, the male partner gives a sample of his semen to the hospital or clinic or the donor sperm is drawn.
  • After getting the sperm, the sperm is purified in the lab so that there is no irritation or any other problem in the uterus.
  • First the woman will be asked to lie down on a table.
  • The doctor uses an instrument called a speculum to look at the woman’s uterus.
  • Your doctor injects sperm into the uterus through the cervix using a long and thin tube.
  • After that, you are suggested to lie down on the exam table for about 20-30 minutes.
  • You are discharged from the clinic a few hours after the procedure is over.
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If you want to get IUI treatment or want to get any kind of information related to it, then Click here or you us Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) can contact on In addition, you can also email us at connect@gomedii.com regarding our services. Our team will contact you as soon as possible. We will get you treated in the best hospital.

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