Fish oil is the concentrated and purified oil from, you guessed it, the tissue of oily fish. There are a variety of ways this fat can be delivered based on how the fish oil is processed. (By “shape,” we mean the type or chemical structure of omega-3 fats.)
The main forms are triglycerides, ethyl ester, and phospholipids. The native form of fat is triglyceride for fish and humans. is also the most bioavailable form (that is, easier for your cells to absorb and accessible). *
“For the fish oil, the triglyceride form is where it is“Ferira shares.” The triglyceride form is how the marine omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are found in fish fat, and how we consume and absorb fat in our diet. In other words, it is the form that is found in nature and is native to fish. “
Fish oil comes from many types of fish, including salmon, anchovies, tuna, sardines, herring, and mackerel. Cording recommends choosing fish oil derived from thin fish (such as anchovies or sardines), as they are less likely to have high levels of mercury and other metals than larger fish. Ferira explains that this is of course not a concern when taking premium fish oil as “high quality fish oil products are highly purified to achieve negligible levels of contaminants such as heavy metals.”