While performing India’s first heart transplant surgery, the whole scene of the operation theater was something like this, Dr. P.

Dr. P. Venugopal is the first such doctor in India who did the first successful heart transplant in India in 1994. Now you will think that we know this thing, so why are we suddenly talking about it? Today we read his book ‘Heartfelt: A Cardiac Surgeon’s Pioneering Journey’ Will talk about. In this, he has mentioned his first heart transplant surgery in 1994. In the book, he has openly talked about the scene of the hospital and operation theater on the day of surgery. This book has been published by HarperCollins India. Which he has written together with his wife Priya Sarkar.

These days this book is getting a lot of headlines. P. Venugopal has been the Chief of the Heart Surgery Department of AIIMS during his time. Also, in 1994, for the first time in India, he has increased the pride of India in the whole world by doing successful heart transplant. Some special medical case stories written in P. Venugopal’s book on social media are becoming very viral on social media and users are liking them a lot. The life of a heart surgeon is full of ups and downs. People are enjoying reading this very much.

This book is being appreciated a lot on social media. The common man is finding every story in Dr. P. Venugopal’s book special because such a famous heart surgeon who brings back a person’s heart beat with carelessness in OT is also afraid of some cases in his life. goes. His heart also starts beating fast sometimes. People are feeling very good to read all this.

The moment in 1994 when P.Venugopal performed the first successful heart transplant in India

Today in our article Dr. Venugopal will tell the whole story of the first heart surgery. Which he did in 1994. After which India created a history in the whole world. Venugopal writes in his book that that day in 1994. On August 2, 1994, it was about 11 o’clock in the night. I was still sitting quietly in my office in the ICU area. Today was very hectic day. Throughout the day there were talks about the topics of heart surgery. I was talking to the people around for a long time regarding heart donor. And was thinking. But was not reaching any conclusion. On the other hand, due to so much discus on the same topic, my mind started getting tired. With the passing days, the ray of hope was fading in my eyes and my heart was breaking day by day. I was looking for the answer to this question whether heart transplant would be possible. This thought was going through my mind when the phone rang. Suddenly the movement of people between neurosurgeons and heart cardiothoracic–vascular surgery centers increased.

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Devi Ram was the first patient who had a successful heart transplant

Then the doctor comes and says that the family is ready to donate. Hurry up – hurry up… are you ready. Of course we were prepared. The family members had given their approval. We started preparing for the surgery. We had a patient Devi Ram. Whose heart was completely stopping working. And he was barely a guest for a few days. The 40-year-old patient was blood group matching AB-positive. We had got her admitted on bed number 4 in CT-5 a few weeks ago. This patient’s stay with the donor has proved to be a boon for us. Because we knew that his heart has reached the third stage after getting sick. It was a Lathe worker. It was alive on the hope that maybe its heartbeat would come back.

The whole scene of OT was something like this

Devi Ram was such a person who was very positive from inside that he had full faith that we will definitely do something for him. Whenever I saw her, I felt a wave of happiness inside me. Because of which I thought I could. I can definitely do something for that. He was taken from the ward to OT. Many doctors of neurologist department were present in OT. Along with this, cardiac surgeons and some special doctors of AIIMS PAN were also present in the OT. Our donor was a 30 year old woman. Which was declared brain dead. And from the initial checkup she was fit to donate the heart. Donor was brought to OT 4 around 2 pm. And I remember the team that Bhabha Nanda Das was leading. That team started the surgery to remove the heart from the brain dead woman’s body. Preparations for heart transplant surgery were started under my supervision in OT 1 near OT 4. Where the heart transplant of Devi Ram was to be done. Around 3 o’clock I saw that Bhabha Nanda Das was bringing the heart packed in ice. Whose heart transplant surgery was started. I knew people were constantly talking about how big the risk was. And yet I acted with a clear determination.

  देर रात तक बार-बार जाना पड़ता है टॉयलेट तो शरीर में है इस विटामिन की कमी

felt like during surgery

It was only when I took out the diseased heart of Goddess Rama that I realized that it cannot be changed now and it would be better if I put it back there. I can’t believe what was going through my amazing team’s mind and how they did it as they stood shoulder to shoulder with me that night. Worked hand in hand. But there was an atmosphere of peace in OT. It was very similar to an open heart bypass that we used to do every day. But this thought was constantly haunting my mind.

We have to get it done…we have to be successful. Otherwise this fear will dominate us. The ‘back of the mind’ while doing the transplant was that a heart transplant surgery had been attempted in India many years ago. In which the patient died on the operation table itself. Taking lessons from that incident, we did not want to repeat it at any cost. It took a full forty nine minutes to get the heart in and work on the bypass. And then it started beating on its own. When my heart started beating as soon as I touched it, that first tick-talk is still special for me.

Five hours later, we came to know that we had successfully passed all the phases of the operation. I just decided to walk out, clear my head, take a quick shower and change clothes and walk back home. On my way back, I met the Medical Superintendent Dr. Dave and gave him the news. He dragged me along to go and inform the then health minister and AIIMS chairman B Sankarananda. who were present in the hospital. He insisted that we issue a press release.

The first thing I did after returning to the ICU and examining the patient was to pick up the phone and call Dr. Gopinath at his Preet Vihar home. He was very happy. Because our dream of so many days has come true. We had made a dream possible. I am a little shy type of person, so I had a habit of hiding away from the limelight. But later I have realized that it is my duty that I should come and talk in the media. which I completed. I had a responsibility towards the country, the media and the common people who should know about this and everything related to this case. The next few days, weeks and months turned out to be a roller-coaster, where one day we were getting the highest accolades in the country and the next we were getting bogged down in negativity.

  ठंड में चूड़ा-दही खाने के इतने सारे फायदे जान कर आप भी कर देंगे खाना शुरू

When the country came into limelight on August 4, 1994, there was an atmosphere of immediate enthusiasm. Many people did not understand the nuances. But the fact that an incredible medical feat was achieved by our own doctors in our own country. Due to which happiness and hope was spread. Not many people knew that in February 1968, Dr PK Sen of King Edward Memorial Hospital had attempted a human-to-human heart transplant. But the patient died within a few hours. So those who knew. It was an incredible success for him.

On August 5, the Parliament gave us a standing ovation. On the other hand, many people associated with the medical profession criticized this achievement. Rumors quickly flew that the patient was in fact dead. It was not me but Bhabha Nand Das who did the transplant.etc.etc. Some people have even said that what is the use of heart transplant in a country where malaria is difficult to control. For your information, let us tell you that according to the news published in ScoopWhoop, the patient Devi Ram was not expected to live for more than 3 months but he lived for 15 years. Later the patient died of brain tumor.

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