White Sox infielder Jake Burger to launch mental health awareness website | Sox On 35th

Mental health can sometimes be a touchy subject that doesn’t get the attention it deserves. However, that doesn’t stop White Sox infield prospect Jake Burger from tackling him head-on.

Burger announced in a video today that it will start a content-based website primarily concerned with mental health awareness. Although the project is still in its early stages, there is already a wide variety of content planned.

“What I’m going to post originally, and the first thing that will happen is a miniseries on all my social networks,” Burger explained in his video. “It will be called the Burger BOMBS community. These are things that I personally used to overcome my mental health battle and my mental health struggles. And, maybe you or a friend or family member is struggling and could help you too. ”

Once the miniseries reaches its conclusion, Burger plans to continue with the website launch. The site is said to have blog posts covering topics related to mental health and everything in between. There will also be a podcast hosted by Burger, YouTube clips, links to other relevant sites, and much more. The overall goal is to help those who struggle and build a positive community of support, an initiative that is unique for an athlete to undertake.

“This is just the beginning, and I’m so excited for all of you to get on this journey and see where I got my help from, and maybe I can help some of you,” said the St. Louis native.

For Burger, he has also been no stranger to the subject of mental health. the 25 year old notably opened up to the public about his struggles in 2020, something that is incredibly brave and difficult for anyone to do. The decision ultimately swayed our graphic designer, Brandon Anderson, to discuss your personal battles on a blog, in which he also shared how important Burger was in his fight. That is why a project of this magnitude is incredible to hear and deserves endless applause. Fortunately, you have an even better person up front, and hopefully it can lead to many more positive stories as a result.

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Featured photo: White Sox / Twitter

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