Why are the cases of miscarriage increasing nowadays, here is the answer to this question

Miscarriage Reason: Becoming parents is the most beautiful moment and pleasant feeling in the world. There is no greater happiness in the world for a mother-to-be, but in this 9-month journey of becoming a mother, there are many apprehensions about pregnancy in the minds of pregnant women, in which the fear of miscarriage is the most. It happens. Miscarriage is very common in the early stages of pregnancy, but it is a painful experience, which is why special care is needed in the early stages. According to reports, about 10 to 25 percent of women go through this. A woman who has to face a miscarriage definitely goes through mental trauma. Depression can dominate for some time. This is a difficult period. In such a situation, today we will talk about what causes miscarriage, what are its symptoms and how it can be prevented.

due to miscarriage

Pregnancy before 20 weeks gestation Loss is called abortion or miscarriage. In simple language, when the child is not able to stay in the womb, then it is called miscarriage. According to a health report, in most cases miscarriage occurs due to abnormal chromosomes in the foetus. Along with this, lack of blood and nutrients in the fetus, weak uterus, infection, sexual transmission disease and PCOS can also be the reason for miscarriage.

aging may be responsible

Increasing age can be the biggest reason for miscarriage of women. Most cases of miscarriage are seen in women above 40 years of age. At the age of 30, one out of 10 women have a miscarriage, while at the age of 45, 10 to 5 women struggle with this problem.

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use of pain relief

Using pain killers many times during pregnancy can be harmful. This affects the development of the fetus, which causes miscarriage.

Hormone deficiency

For the growth of the child growing in the womb, it is necessary to have a balance of hormones. Miscarriage can sometimes happen due to hormonal imbalance. Those women are more at risk, who are troubled by the problem of PCOD or PCOS.


  • Bleeding or spotting is common in the 3rd month of pregnancy, but if it persists for a long time, consult a doctor.
  • Feeling pain or cramping in the lower abdomen and persisting for a long time is a sign of miscarriage.
  • Fluid-like discharge from the private part, discharge of tissue or blood clots can also be a warning.

take care

  • Stay mentally and physically fit before pregnancy
  • Do not consume smoking, alcohol or any intoxicant during pregnancy.
  • Do not consume any medicine during pregnancy without consulting the doctor.
  • If you are suffering from diabetes, BP, thyroid, then take special care of yourself during pregnancy.
  • Do take medicines of vitamins and folic acid, so that there is growth of the fetus, it also gives you strength.
  • If a miscarriage has happened once, try for a second pregnancy only after taking the advice of your gynaecologist.

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