Why do eyes water and know its treatment. – GoMedii

Watery eyes caused by cold are also commonly known as eye cold or watery eyes. This is a common problem that can be caused by cold, rain, or any infection that comes in contact with the eyes. This condition is caused by the presence of chemicals and bacteria around the eyes, traffic pollutants, dryness of the eyes, allergies and other infections. Some precautions can be taken to keep the eyes safe in cold weather.

Watery eyes can be accompanied by the following symptoms:-

  • Diminished vision is also a symptom of excess watery eyes.
  • Swelling and pain in or around the eye.
  • Watery eyes also start coming due to something stuck in the eye, which can be a symptom of excessive watery eyes.
  • Firmness of the eyes.
  • Nostalgia or sneezing, these symptoms often occur when they are allergic to watery eyes.
  • There may be dryness in the eyes.

  • Itchiness in your eyes.
  • Blurred vision
  • Swelling of eyelids.
  • Red and bloodshot eyes.
  • Eye pain, especially if the eye has been injured.

Due to watering of eyes.

  • eye allergies
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Problems caused by coming in contact with rain water
  • contact lens use

  • Pink Eye problem

Home remedies for the problem of watery eyes.

chill factor water from eyes Acne is a common problem that often appears during cold and weather changes. The main reason for this problem is due to the outbreak of underproduction of the eyes, which increases even more when exposed to cold and dry winds. This problem can affect your routine and comfort, so you need to fix it immediately. If you are suffering from watery eyes due to cold, then there are some home remedies that can help you to overcome this problem –

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  • use hot water: Washing eyes with warm water daily can improve the safety of your eyes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and apply it gently on the areas around the eyes. It helps in reducing the swelling of the eyes and provides peace to the eyes.
  • use rose water: Rose water is very beneficial for the eyes. Applying it on the areas around the eyes, it provides coolness to the eyes and helps in reducing itching and swelling of the eyes.
  • Amla: Amla is a good source of Vitamin C for the eyes, which protects the eyes. Applying the juice of Amla near the eyes stops the water coming out of the eyes and also reduces the fatigue of the eyes.
  • Cold water: Cold water reduces the problem of swelling and itching and watery eyes, wash the eyes with cold water daily so that you eye problem Get relief from
  • Lemon juiceLemon juice can help fight eye infections. Applying lemon juice on the area around the eyes will reduce watery eyes.

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