Why do such physical changes occur in women after delivery, know

Post Pregnancy Changes: During pregnancy, there are many changes in the body of women, the process of which continues even after the delivery of the child. The time of pregnancy is challenging for every women, but it is also a time that makes the mother feel beautiful. The thought of bringing a new life into the world makes the mother happy. Apart from these feelings, women have to go through many mental changes, many changes also come in them. Let us know what kind of changes come in the body of most women after pregnancy i.e. after delivery and the reasons behind it.

Women’s breasts start changing after the birth of a child. After pregnancy, your hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are hormones that help make milk in your breast. This increases the size of your breast. Changes start in two to three days after the birth of the baby and the breast soft and more sensitive than ever before. Apart from this, the shape of the breast can change for some time because this change is possible due to milk coming in the breast. When the baby stops drinking milk, your breasts start coming back in the normal shape.

sandal size change
It is possible to undergo many changes in the body after delivery. During this, hormonal changes can also change the shape of your shoes. Women who have a normal weight may gain 11 to 16 percent of their weight during pregnancy. Therefore, excess weight can create a lot of pressure in the feet, thereby flattening the arch of the foot, which is why the size of the feet increases.

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Changes in legs, face and hair
Due to weight gain during pregnancy, hair comes out in many parts of the body. As far as your skin is concerned, it can lead to problems like dry skin patches, pimples or pigmentation. The reason behind all this is hormonal change. At the same time, hair fall also grows rapidly, due to which one-third of your hair can fall. But as soon as your hormone levels go back to normal. This reduces hair fall.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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