Why does bladder infection happen again and again, know the reason

Bladder Infection On Regular Basis: There is high pressure of urine, you go for urine and only few drops come, accompanied by severe pain or prickling and the color of urine is also cloudy. .. that means once again Bladder Infection has caught you! Bladder infection is a common problem in women. Although some women have this problem once in a year or two years, while some women fall prey to this infection several times a year (Repeated Bladder Infection). Why this happens, is being told in this article.

cause of blade infection
Bacteria are responsible for 90 percent of the infections and diseases that occur in the bladder. But there are some other facts apart from bacteria, which are giving you bladder infections again and again. First of all you should know about these reasons…

1. Deficiency of vitamins in the body

Yes, if there is a lack of essential vitamins in your body, then it can also become a reason for bladder infection. Especially when there is a deficiency of Vitamin-A and Vitamin-B12 in the body, it leads to changes in the conditions of the mucous membrane, making your body more vulnerable to bacterial infections and bladder infections. is one.

The special thing is that all the standard blood tests and health tests that are done usually do not include the test of Vitamin-A and Vitamin-B12. In such a situation, it becomes very important for you to be careful about your health and if you are getting frequent bladder infections, then visit your doctor and definitely focus on the test of these two vitamins.

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2. Eating more sweets

There is no strange reason for bladder infection. But this happens because women who eat more sweets have a good amount of sugar in their body and the increased level of sugar prepares a good ground for the growth of bacteria. Therefore, if you have frequent bladder infections, then you should control the habit of eating sweets and eat less sweets.

3. Birth Control Method

The different methods of birth control that are adopted by women, in many cases they can also be the reason for bladder infection or making the bladder more sensitive. For example, some women may have problems with condoms, while some women may also have bladder infection due to the coils fixed inside for birth control. Because there is a possibility of bacterial growth in this space. Therefore, you can consult your doctor and on his suggestion, you can adopt any other method of birth control.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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