Why does vomiting occur during pregnancy, for how long does it last?

Cause Of Vomiting During Pregnancy: Do you know why vomiting occurs during pregnancy? Why after marriage, when women vomit, they are asked whether they are pregnant. The problem of vomiting during pregnancy is usually felt most in the morning. The mind remains bad and due to this there is a lot of restlessness. This problem is called Morning Sickness.

Vomiting during pregnancy is a sign of changes happening inside the body. It is not that vomiting occurs only till the pregnancy lasts. Rather, most women have to face this problem from the sixth week to the completion of three months after getting pregnant. It is not so easy to face it, as easy as reading or writing about it. This situation is very disturbing and makes women feel weak. But it is not that every woman has the problem of vomiting due to pregnancy. Learn about it in detail here…

How long does vomiting last during pregnancy?

  • It is not necessary that every woman should have the problem of vomiting after conceiving. According to an estimate, about 70 percent of pregnant women have the problem of vomiting during the first trimester i.e. the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Whereas for some women this problem may persist even after the first trimester. But it gets better soon. However, in some selected cases, women may have the problem of vomiting even during the entire pregnancy. This situation is not considered very good in terms of health of mother and child. This condition is called ‘hyperemesis gravidarum’ in medical language.
  • If you are among those women who still have the problem of vomiting even after three months, do not worry, but keep in touch with your doctor and follow his advice. Both you and baby will be safe. But if you are among those women who did not vomit at all during pregnancy, then there is nothing to worry about. This is a completely safe and normal situation.

Why is there a problem of vomiting in pregnancy?

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  • After getting pregnant, the problem of nausea or vomiting starts from the sixth week and this is due to the implantation process happening in the uterus. When the egg attaches to the lining of the uterus after being fertilized, the placenta attached to the uterus starts secreting a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in excess, which causes nausea.
  • Along with this, the level of estrogen hormone in the body of women also increases in the initial months during pregnancy, it also works like HCG to trigger the problem of vomiting and nausea.
  • Apart from hormonal imbalance during pregnancy, the other major reason for nausea and vomiting is the slow digestion. When the eaten things are not digested properly and the hormones are also disturbed, then nausea and vomiting disturb.

Why is it said as soon as she vomits – she is not pregnant!

  • After a few months of marriage, any woman has to face this question a lot when she has this problem of vomiting and indigestion. As soon as she has the problem of nausea or vomiting, the first question asked in almost every case is whether she is pregnant! However, behind this question nothing else but social factors are more responsible. In our society, parenting is seen as a separate target after marriage.
  • If we talk about logic, then a big reason behind this question is that vomiting or morning sickness is the first visible symptom of pregnancy. That is, which other people can notice. While the first symptom of pregnancy is missed periods, but people other than the woman are not able to know about it. That’s why this question is asked.
  • For women themselves, morning sickness, vomiting after missed periods is another symptom that confirms pregnancy. Although pregnancy test kits are available in today’s time, but it was not so in earlier times, hence vomiting is seen to be associated with pregnancy.

Disclaimer: If you are pregnant or thinking about it, then for more information in this regard, definitely take the advice of your doctor or related expert.

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