Why exercise can really make you sleep better at night

Analysis: Research shows that even a single session of exercise can be enough to improve the quality and duration of sleep.

By emma sweney, Nottingham Trent University

many people fight to get enough good quality sleep. This not only makes us feel tired the next day, but in the long run, lack of sleep can have a negative effect on other aspects of our Health & Wellness. There’s no shortage of things people are told to do to get a better night’s sleep, from taking a hot bath at night to getting rid of their phone a couple of hours before bed.

But one of the most common tips for people who struggle to get a good night’s sleep is to exercise regularly. And based on research, this is actually good advice.

for example, a 2015 meta-analysis which looked at all of the current research on sleep quality, duration, and exercise, showed that both short-term exercise and regular exercise (a few sessions a week) can lead to better sleep. This means that even a single exercise session can be enough to improve the quality and duration of sleep.

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From RTÉ 2fm’s Jennifer Zamparelli, DCU’s Dr Nathan Gavigan on the best times to exercise

Research also shows us what types of exercise can help improve sleep. regular aerobic exercise, for example, has been shown to help people fall asleep faster, wake up less during the night, and feel more rested the next morning. This was true for many different types of aerobic exercise, such as bicycling, running, and even brisk walking.

Even just a 30 minute single session of aerobic exercise can improve multiple aspects of sleep, although not to the same extent as regular aerobic exercise. However, it has still been shown to improve sleep duration, decrease the time it takes to fall asleep, and increase sleep efficiency (the percentage of time in bed that is actually spent asleep). Higher sleep efficiency indicates better sleep quality.

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Research on resistance exercise (such as weight lifting) and its effect on sleep is more limited. But from the small number of studies that have been done, it appears that resistance exercise may also improve sleep.

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From RTÉ Radio 1’s Brendan O’Connor, DCU Professor Niall Moyna, easy-to-use tips for developing a good exercise regimen

Studies have found that people who do resistance exercise regularly (about three sessions per week) have better subjective sleep quality. Even just thinking that you are getting good quality sleep can affect you do it very well for the whole day.

Regular resistance training can also help people with insomnia to fall asleep faster and increase sleep efficiency. However, there is still very little research in this area, so we must be cautious when drawing conclusions.

The good news is that the benefits of exercise for sleep seem to work for everyone, regardless of age or whether you have certain sleep disorders (such as insomnia either Sleep apnea).

Even a simple 30-minute jog can help you sleep. hedgehog94/Shutterstock

While the research is clear that exercise can improve our sleep, scientists still aren’t entirely sure exactly how it does it, though they do have a few theories.

Our body’s sleep-wake cycle follows a period of approximately 24 hours, which is controlled by an internal “clock” in the body. As part of this cycle, a hormone called melatonin is released at night, which helps us feel tired. Exercising during the day can lead to a earlier version of melatonin at night, which may be why people who exercise fall asleep faster.

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Exercise also raises our core body temperature. But by the time we finish a workout, our core body temperature starts to return to normal. A drop in core body temperature can also help us fall asleep. This may explain why nighttime exercise can help some people sleep better that night, contrary to popular belief.

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Exercise may also lead to better sleep due to its positive effects on mood and mental health, both of which may be associated with sleep quality. During exercise, the body releases chemicals known as endorphins, which improve mood. Regular exercise can also reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Therefore, the positive effect of exercise on both mood and mental health can help people fall asleep more easily.

Although more research is still needed to determine exactly why different types of exercise affect many different aspects of our sleep, it’s clear that exercise can be beneficial for sleep. Just 30-60 minutes of daily exercise can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep through the night, and wake up feeling more rested the next morning.

While a single exercise can improve your sleep, regular exercise is likely to provide even greater improvements to your sleep. Since so many types of exercise are linked to improved sleep, all you need to do is choose an exercise you enjoy, whether it’s running, swimming, lifting weights, or just taking a brisk walk.The conversation

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emma sweney is a professor of exercise, nutrition and health at Nottingham Trent University. This article was originally posted by The conversation.

The opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not represent or reflect the views of RTÉ

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