Why intermittent fasting and exercise have a big impact on your health

Three years ago, I wrote a column on intermittent fasting. He had researched it and was intrigued by what he found, but he was not a practitioner. In other words, I wrote an informative column but I didn’t have any personal experience or knowledge.

Frankly, I didn’t think much of it until it was published and received an incredible response from readers, far more emails on this topic than any other topic I’ve covered in my 43 years as a health columnist. What’s more, the responses were extremely enthusiastic, touting amazing effects and benefits. As a result, I decided I needed more first-hand knowledge, so I took the plunge.

Let me start with the different types of intermittent fasting. The first is the kind I follow daily where I compress my feed into a narrow window. At first, that window was eight hours, which meant I consumed everything I was going to eat for the day between about 1 and 9 p.m., and fasted (nothing but water, unsweetened tea, or black coffee) the rest. of the day This was easy and didn’t present any problems for me as I was a firm believer in eating when I’m hungry rather than eating on a fixed schedule, and I’m usually not hungry when I wake up in the morning so skipping breakfast was it is not a big thing.

Around 1 pm, I would start to get hungry and would eat lunch. But I would be moderate with food and would typically consume 24 to 32 ounces of a nutritious homemade mix with lots of green leafy vegetables and some carrots, fruit (an orange, apple, blueberries, etc.), rich soy powder in protein (chocolate flavored), raw nuts and soy milk, mixed in a Vitamix blender. There are other brands of blenders to choose from, but high power is the key, as a regular blender can’t get the job done.

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