Why Is One Drop Of GOLDEN BLOOD Group More Precious Than One Gram Of Gold?

The human population on this planet is going to cross the 8 billion mark on November 15, according to a UN report. And this vast population generally shares 8 types of blood groups.

Why is a drop of golden blood group more valuable than a gram of gold? (Representative Image)

Golden Blood Group: The human population on this planet is going to cross the 8 billion mark on November 15, according to a UN report. And this vast population generally shares 8 types of blood groups. In fact, ever since these blood groups were discovered, people who are alive have had them too. Blood groups are A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+ and AB-. But one more blood type has been found which is found in the body of only 45 people out of 8 billion. The name of this blood group is “Golden Blood”, Dainik Bhaskar has shared some unique information about it.

Information is shared in Q n A format. So, here we go.

Question 1: What is Golden Blood Group?

Answer: Golden blood is a rare blood group found in the human body. Another name for this blood group is Rhnul. It is found in the body of only 45 people worldwide and this blood can be transfused into the body of a person of any blood type. Blood of this group is found in very few people and that is why this blood group is considered rare.

Question 2: Why Rhnul is called golden blood group?

Answer: Although this blood group has been found in the body of 45 people in the world, but its donors are still only 9 people in the world. This means that there are 36 people with golden blood group who are either not in a position to donate their blood or are not willing to donate their blood voluntarily.

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In such a situation, one drop of blood of this blood group is worth more than one gram of gold. For this reason, it is named the golden blood group.

Question 3: Why is golden blood called Rhnull?

Answer: Golden blood is called Rhnull because this blood is found in the body of a person whose Rh factor is null. Now you must be thinking what is this Rh factor and Null? Actually, the blood in our body is made up of 3 types of cells, 1. Red blood cells 2. White blood cells 3. Platelets.

The blood group of our body can be known based on two things

  1. Antibody: A protein present in white blood.
  2. Antigen: A protein present in red blood cells.

Rh is a protein present on the surface of red blood cells. In a normal human body, this Rh is either positive or negative. But in a person who has golden blood in his body, his body Rh is neither positive nor negative. This means that the Rh factor in their body is zero.

Question 4: Why is golden blood found in the body of only a few people?

Answer: Golden blood group is caused by genetic mutation. This is usually caused by a mutation of the RhAG gene in the body of such people. There are mainly two reasons for the presence of these blood groups in the human body.

Due to genetic mutation, it is transferred from one generation to another.

According to the National Library of Medicine website, marriages between cousins, siblings, or close or distant relatives also increase the likelihood that children will have golden blood.

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Question 5: Where was golden blood first found?

Answer: According to the National Library of Medicine website, this blood type was first discovered in 1961 in the body of an Australian Aboriginal woman. After this, Dr. GH Vose of King Edward Memorial Hospital in Australia and his colleagues prepared a detailed report about it. .

The report was published this year in the Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association. Previously, doctors believed that babies could not be born alive without the Rh antigen.

Question 6: Are there any risks for people with golden blood group?

Answer: People with golden blood group lack hemoglobin in their body. Due to this there is a risk of yellowing and reduction of red blood cells in the body. Most people with this blood group are known to be prone to anemia. Experts believe that if both the mother and the unborn child have golden blood in their bodies, the chances of miscarriage increase. Such people are also more likely to develop kidney failure.

Published Date: November 15, 2022 4:41 PM IST


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